Noah’s Ark

Once again, I diverged from the lesson plan on the memory verse. I wanted Ian to have a verse in his heart that would comfort him when he felt scared, as Noah’s family must have felt on the ark. So we sang this to the tune of “Ring Around the Rosie”:
“Keep me safe my God, for in you I take refuge. Psalm chapter sixteen, verse one.”
When I got out the flannel board with the figures for the story of Noah, Ian was a little disappointed. He kept asking for Adam and Eve. Luckily, he got over it (don’t they always?) and soon was enjoying telling the story himself. Whenever he’d get to the part where it was just the ark all alone on the water, he’d call out to me to sing the Bible verse song.
Here was our iPod playlist for the week:
- “Genesis 6-7” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing (including the song “Noah Walked With God”)
- “Noah & the Ark” story on CD by the Paul Winter Consort (which I found at our library)
- “Who Built the Ark?” from a CD of Bible songs I found at the 99-Cent Store
- “Noah, Build A Boat” from The Singing Bible
For our Bible Notebook, Ian fingerpainted a rainbow (though I wish we’d done it directly on the paper, as our print didn’t turn out so well) and then I made this ark from* for him (though I had to cut it down a bit both to make it fit on our paper and to place it on the water rather than the land). Then Ian glued a collage of blue construction paper to make the sea. (You can’t tell very well in this picture, but the ark has “peek-a-boo” flaps to reveal animals underneath.)
*After reading the Amazon reviews of Jan Brett’s book On Noah’s Ark, I decided NOT to read it with Ian, as much as I enjoy her illustrations. The main complaints reviewers had were that she 1) left God out of the story (!), and 2) made up a granddaughter who is not in the biblical account to be the main character. I didn’t want to confuse Ian by reading something that told a story so different from the Bible.
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