Baby Moses

We ended up doing two weeks on the story of Baby Moses due to a death in the family and the ensuing chaos.  Ian certainly didn’t mind.  From the first day, the story captured his heart in a way no other has.  He asked me to retell the story with the flannelgraph several times, and then he spent another half hour moving the figures around and telling it himself.  (I wish I’d gotten a picture, especially since it happened every time we got the flannelgraph out!)  Then he started wrapping his stuffed bear up in a blanket, calling it his “baby”, and for days he spoke to it in a soft little voice, rocked it in his arms, and lovingly carried it around in a basket I gave him once I saw how into it he was getting.  SO sweet!

For our memory verse, we used the passage from ABC Jesus Loves Me week 7: “When I am afraid, I will trust in you, in God whose word I praise.” Psalm 56:3-4.  It’s on Steve Green’s Hide ‘Em in Your Heart CD, and again I found myself lamenting that his songs don’t include the reference.  Luckily we review our verses every time we read through our Bible Notebook, so I’m hoping Ian will pick up the references that way for the songs that don’t include them.  Along with the memory verse (which is one of our favorites–we find all sorts of occasions to sing it), Ian really liked the song about Baby Moses from the Lullaby Bible (which I think has a CD, but we just have the book).  He kept asking me to wrap him up in a blanket, hold him like a baby, and sing it to him.

Because of of everything going on this week, I didn’t end up using an iPod playlist.  We did read the story from the NIV several times.  We also watched the first part of The Prince of Egypt  (next week we’ll be talking about Moses leading the people through the Red Sea so we’ll finish it then) and Veggie Tales: Duke and the Great Pie War (also available streaming on Netflix), which includes a story about Miriam taking care of baby Moses.

For our Bible Notebook we did this Baby Moses craft from Little Blots (you have to scroll down the page to find it).  First Ian colored the baby and the basket with crayons.  Then he used blue watercolor paint over it.

Finally, I traced his hands several times on green construction paper, cut them out, and glued them on to be the “reeds” where Moses’ mother hid the basket.