Index of Bible lessons

Here’s a list through the Bible, when Ian was three, turning four. The indented bold ones were from our second time through, starting when he was four and a half and Elijah was two and a half and going until he finished “preschool”:
- Creation
- Adam and Eve Eat the Fruit
- Noah’s Ark
- Joseph’s Colorful Coat
- Baby Moses
- The Awesome Power of God (The Red Sea, part 1)
- The Parting of the Red Sea (Part 2)
- A Little Treasure (10 Commandments, Part 1)
- Train Up a Child (10 Commandments, Part 2)
- And the Walls Came Tumbling Down! (Battle of Jericho)
- Gideon: Mighty Warrior!
- Hannah’s Prayer
- Speak, Lord, for Your Servant Hears! (Samuel)
- David, Shepherd Boy
- David’s Calling
- David & Goliath
- King David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
- Elijah and the Ravens
- Elijah and the Widow’s Son
- Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal
- Elijah Goes to Heaven
- King Josiah and the Hidden “Treasure”
- Jonah and the Big Fish
- In the Fiery Furnace
- Daniel in the Lions’ Den
- The Angel Visits Mary
- Jesus Calls the Disciples
- Wise and Foolish Builders
- Jesus Heals the Little Girl
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Jesus Walks on Water
- The Prodigal Son
- Zacchaeus
- The Good Samaritan
- Feeding the 5000
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Jesus Rides On A Donkey (Palm Sunday)
- Resurrection (Easter)
- Jesus Returns to Heaven
- The Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
- Peter and John Went to Pray
- Fruit of the Spirit Unit : separate weeks on Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control
- Knights, Castles, and the Armor of God
Once Ian started Kindergarten, we needed a routine that fit well into our school schedule. I described what a week of Bible lessons looked like in my post “One Year Into Long Story Short.” At that point I stopped posting regularly about our Bible lessons because we pretty much just followed that plan every week. Unless that changes, I’ll probably only be posting when I come across something really helpful that I want to remember with regards to a particular Bible story.