Long Story Short: The 10 Commandments

We just finished up a great week (plus a few extra days!) on the Ten Commandments. Even Elijah (3 1/2) worked diligently toward memorizing them, and both boys enjoyed the various activities we did throughout the week in addition to our nightly Bible Time with Long Story Short by Marty Machowski. We broke out our flannel board set for the first time since our move, and all three kids enjoyed playing with it throughout the week. I’ve put it on a low table in our schoolroom where they can all reach it, and pretty much every day I caught a glimpse of at least one of them acting out the story with the little felt figures. (Okay, so Arianna just liked collecting the people and carrying them around, but she’ll get there.)
I really considered buying a 10 Commandments Project Pack from CurrClick, but since I only planned on spending a week on the topic I decided to just stick with activities I could find for free online. BibleStoryPrintables.com has a lot of fun ideas to print (and in our case laminate so I can reuse them with the younger children). I pretty much stuck with printables from their site so that the wording would be the same on all our activities. I used the bookmarks as a reading tool. They print four on a page, so I printed out one set and laminated them. Every day at lunch time, each of us got one (even Arianna) and we read through them together. We worked on memorizing two commandments each day.
I also printed out the sequencing cards and number cards for a matching activity. (There’s a typo on “adultery,” but I just used a black marker to fix it.) The boys really liked using our pocket chart to have the cards all out in front of them. We just worked on putting them in order and matching the pictures with the written commandments, but they’d also be great for playing a memory matching game.
The last thing I printed out was the file folder game. The game board has typos on “misuse” and “adultery”, but it was pretty simple to fix them by opening the image in Paint, cutting and pasting the letters into the correct places, then copying the corrected image into Word. (I also found a second game from The Catholic Toolbox, but I’m saving that one for when my kids are a bit older.) Next time maybe I’ll plan ahead more and use some of the activities from Oriental Trading Company related to the ten commandments.
After several months’ hiatus, we finally added a page to the boys’ Bible notebooks. I looked for a new idea, but I just couldn’t find anything I liked as much as the one I did with Ian two years ago (see my post “Train Up a Child (10 Commandments pt.2)“) so we just did it again. I forgot Elijah’s not a big fan of finger painting, however, so we barely got this one out of him. He does really like numbers and putting things in order, so after the first day he enjoyed pasting on the commandments.
Each day we watched one of the episodes from the Kids’ Ten Commandments DVDs. (There are five episodes, each covering two commandments, so it worked perfectly with our schedule.) The boys REALLY liked these videos. They do a wonderful job illustrating each of the commandments through a story about a young Israelite boy living in the desert. Highly recommended!
Our “Listening Lesson”
- “Ten Commandments” from The Singing Bible
- “Ex 19 Mount Sinai – The Lord” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
- “Ex 20 Ten Commandments” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
- “SONG TEN COMMANDMENTS from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
- “Ten Commandments Song” from Biblical Choices 2nd Grade Curriculum (from when I taught in the classroom)