Long Story Short: The Tabernacle
This week’s devotions probably would have been really hard to get through without the use of visual aids. If the kids were a little older, I would have been tempted to buy a model of the Tabernacle to put together, but instead I decided to get a Tabernacle felt set for our flannel board. Unfortunately, one piece was too big for our boards! So we headed off to the fabric store for some black flannel and made our own big board. It ended up working out well because we could have two boards out, for both the outer courtyard and the inside of the tabernacle.
The other resource we used, which I highly recommend, is the Rose Guide to the Tabernacle. It is not a children’s book, but it is a wonderful resource for personal study, and there are many pictures that are helpful explaining this passage of Scripture to children (or anyone!). We used the felt pieces and/or the Rose Guide every night. It was so beneficial for the boys to have something tangible to hold and look at as we read through long descriptive passages of the tabernacle and the high priest’s garments that might otherwise have been hard-pressed to hold their attention.
I didn’t have the energy to come up with anything elaborate for the boys’ Bible notebook pages, so I printed up dot-to-dot on a page with our Bible verse. (Note I did not say memory verse. We’re not that together yet! I really want to get back to memorizing Scripture with the boys, but I’m considering going a new route, not connected to our Bible stories, and we’re not up and running.) However, the week flew by without us ever doing the page. Will we ever get to it? I’d give it a 50/50 chance. I’m trying to let things go and just move on.
Hello, just found your blog and love your Bible studies for children! If I may ask, where do you get your ideas & resources for all the books & projects? Do they come from the “Long Story Short” book or do you make them up yourself? They are fantastic!
I get my ideas from a number of sources. Some I just make up, but I also have a few “go-to” sites online. When I first started trying to be intentional about teaching the Bible to my preschooler, I used the 3-Year Old Curriculum from ABCJesusLovesMe.com. That really helped me get going and started me thinking along the lines of what I wanted to do. I used to spend a lot of time looking for other people’s ideas, but then I realized a lot of times I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, and that if I just thought about it for a bit, I could usually come up with something that worked for us. While I love “Long Story Short,” it really only provides the devotionals we use each night and gets my brain going. so most of the time these days I just try to come up with my own ideas, and when I get stuck I go to mssscrafts.com and see what links they might have for the story we’re talking about. I also really like biblestoryprintables.com and their sister site christianpreschoolprintables.com.
Your blog is a pleasure….thank you for sharing your hard work. It`s going to pay off richly in your children`s lives in years to come.
Thank you!