My Word for 2014: Pray!
Such a simple little word, yet such a challenge for me. Years ago I remembering telling a friend that I hoped prayer would be a definitive part of my life.
“I want to be a woman of prayer,” I passionately declared.
“Then do it,” he wisely replied.
That’s all it takes, isn’t it? Doing it. But despite my desire I did not do it, at least not to the extent I would have liked. And as the years have passed, I’ve often remembered that conversation, but still never moved in the right direction.
I’m hoping to change that in 2014. Lately I’ve been more and more aware of many areas in which I fall short. I need the Lord’s help in so many ways, and yet I’ve spent more time worrying about my weakness than I have turning to Him in prayer. I want Him to be a part of every aspect of my life:
- help to be more patient
- the words to speak in certain situations
- wisdom in dealing with my children
- understanding the unique way each of my children is designed
- decisions about school
- what activities to get involved in
- how to disciple our children more effectively
- praying for my children (especially some of the topics from the books The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian)
These are just a few of the things I want to be praying about more and listening for His guidance.
I also want to be a better model for my children when it comes to prayer. Whenever I do pray throughout the day my children have no idea what’s going on apart from formal “scheduled” prayers. I want to not just pray, but to pray out loud. If I want them to see what it looks like to trust God and seek Him in every part of our lives, I need to be more transparent and let them into my spiritual life. So in 2014, this word will be posted around our house, impressed upon my heart, and hopefully become a more consistent part of my day.
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thes 5:17
Great word!! I’ve loved reading everyone’s word of the year.