Introducing Mentoring Monday

WholeHeartedTonight I had the pleasure of watching a webinar with Sally Clarkson as she shared about her heart for homeschooling.  Some of the moms watching were chatting and decided to start up a group to go through Clay Clarkson’s book Educating the WholeHearted Child, which I read a few years ago but have been meaning to go through again.  I have been so encouraged and challenged by the Clarksons, both through their MomHeart conferences and their books, and I consider them mentors even though they have no idea who I am.  I decided that in addition to reading through the book with the other moms in the Facebook discussion group, I want to jot down some of my thoughts about each chapter here to help keep myself accountable for actually sticking to the schedule we come up with!  I may or may not write every week, but I want to try to share somewhat regularly what I am learning from the “paper mentors” in my life.


  • Would love to join the FB discussion group, but the link is not working! I have been attempting to read this book all year and have only read chunks of it I would love to be connect with a group to help me stay on schedule with reading it.