Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood, Isabel Oakley Naftel (1862)
It’s been a while since we spent time focusing on a fairy tale, so we took a break from Five in a Row to have fun with Little Red Riding Hood. (See posts we’ve done on other classics.) I love this story, maybe because it has a redeeming ending. The little girl makes mistakes and certainly suffers the consequences, but in the end things work out and she learns important lessons, like the importance of obedience and not talking to strangers. Hopefully our children can benefit from her mistakes!
Part of the reason I chose to do the story now is because it corresponded with our Salsa Spanish lessons. We just started the second unit, which has six videos related to “Caperucita Roja,” so we were able to learn some vocabulary words to go along with our story. (We use the Salsamaterials from the Wyoming Department of Education to get the most out of the videos.)
We looked at several versions:
- Little Red Riding Hood by Trina Schart Hyman (my favorite)
- Fairy Tale Classics (Easy-To-Read Collection)
- Red Riding Hood by James Marshall
- “Little Red-Cap” from the Brothers Grimm
- Lon Po Po by Ed Young (a Chinese tale with many similarities).
We’ve talked before about how sometimes old stories like fairy tales are told differently by different people, so I asked Ian to find differences in two versions and we listed them.
We watched a Super Why episode that features the story of Red Riding Hood (Season 1, Episode 9) and enjoyed a free Kindle Fire App. By this point Arianna was pretty familiar with the tale and had lots of fun wearing part of an old Red Hiding Hood costume I had as a child.
We had a blast going through many of the activities in the FREE Little Red Riding Hood Pack from! I loved that there were several pages simple enough for Arianna (2), but also several pages that challenged Ian (6). I went crazy with my laminator and then we spent a whole morning playing with all the goodies in this pack. (I also put some of the pages in sheet protectors in the boys’ notebooks.) So much fun learning!