Wrapping Up Week 16 (2015-16)

Arianna is back into Reading Eggs and is doing really well as she repeats the first couple dozen lessons. I’m really glad I set her progress back, because she has so much more confidence this time around and is working much more independently. She really wants to be doing work on the computer like the boys, so I let her spend time both with Reading Eggs and with La La Logic [Edited to remove link as this online curriculum is no longer available] . which we’d taken a break from when we moved at the beginning of the summer and never started back up again. Both she and Elijah spent quite a bit of time on it this past week.
Read Alouds
We finished up our King Arthur stories by reading The Kitchen Knight as retold by Margaret Hodges. I had planned on reading more, but it just felt like time to stop. I’m sure at some point in years to come, we’ll go back and read more stories about the knights of the round table, but the weeks we’ve spent on it this year have definitely given Ian (and Elijah, to the extent that he was following along) a good introduction.

Independent (Computer) Lessons
Ian has reached multiplication in his Teaching Textbooks Math 3 lessons. I’m not quite ready to start him on practicing his multiplication facts on xtramath.org, just because he’s got a few more subtraction facts to master. Instead I’m slowing down our pace with Teaching Textbooks, doing just a couple lessons a week, and spending time with some fun games to help him (and Elijah) practice the facts as they’re introduced. (So far aside from learning the rule for 0’s and 1’s he’s done the 10’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 4’s.)
For dessert one night I split the kids into teams: Ian and Nico vs. Elijah and Arianna. (The little ones love shouting out numbers, even if they have no clue what the point is, but since Ian and Elijah are pretty evenly matched, the teams are as fair as I could make them). We went through flashcards with all those fact families, giving M&M’s to each member of the team who got the correct answer first. They got in some good practice and everyone ended up with a handful of candy by the time we finished.
I continue to be amazed by how much Ian is enjoying the Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course on the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. We had taken a week off for our road trip, so we’re behind where I had planned to be. Still, I wanted to enjoy our week on cathedrals. It was a bit of a review since we discussed them last year during a unit study, so I didn’t go too in depth. I have Ian a choice of which video he wanted to re-watch, and he chose Building the Great Cathedrals, which my Kindergarten architect enjoyed a lot as well.

A few final thoughts
I can’t believe how quickly this year is flying by. On Friday the kids had their final music classes with the exception of choir, which will wrap up with a final performance this week. Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us!