The Parting of the Red Sea (part 2)
We started with this craft from Ian glued the pieces on cardstock (some of our pages have proved to be too flimsy, so I think that’s what I’ll use from here on out) and let Ian add some fish stickers we had lying around. Then for a special touch, we painted over the water sections with blue glitter paint.
We did the verse from the ABC Jesus Loves Me week 8 lesson: “My God will supply all your needs.” Philippians 4:19. As suggested in the lesson plan, I sang it to the tune of “London Bridge.” I sang it over and over while we worked on our craft, since I’ve neglected it since Tuesday!
“My God will supply all your needs, supply all your needs, supply all your needs. My God will supply all your needs. Philippians 4:19.”
Luckily we’ll review it every week when we read through our Bible notebook, so I know he’ll get it eventually. This was definitely a minimal week. For some reason iTunes wouldn’t open for me and I never got around to reinstalling it. So we didn’t have a playlist to listen to. I had a Before Five in a Row book picked out to do along with our Bible story (and even had an activity planned) and we never once opened it. On the other hand, we had some great “nature study” yesterday. We went to a park with a lake, watched the ducks and some turtles, even found the dead body of some small crustacean that just fascinated Ian. I’d love to be more intentional about including nature study in our schedule. Ever since reading Charlotte Mason’s Home Education*, I’ve been determined to make it a part of my children’s education. All that to say that our days without Bible lessons weren’t a total loss! Weeks like this make me really thankful we’ve started trying to get into the “school” habit long before we need to worry about “officially” homeschooling. It’s definitely going to take a while to make it a more solid part of our schedule!
* You can find the text for all Charlotte Mason’s writings for free online at Ambleside Online. I downloaded the modern paraphrase and then read it on my Kindle.
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