Monthly Archives: July 2011

David, Shepherd Boy

This week we learned about David during his time as a shepherd.  I had two main purposes in chosing to do this lesson.  First of all, there is so much shepherd imagery in the Bible, and this seemed like a good way to introduce such a foreign idea to a 21st century American child.  Also, I wanted to spend a few weeks talking about David, and this seemed like a logical place to start.  For the record, I’m straying from our ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum (which seems a bit ironic since I finished the last post praising it!)  I had a couple reasons for going this route.  For one thing, I noticed the ABCJLM 3-year old curriculum only had two more lessons with stories from the Old Testament (David and Goliath and then Daniel in the lion’s den).  There are so many other stories I wanted to touch on.  I thought about just sticking with the curriculum since we’ll hit all those at some point in the future, but my other issue was that we started this “year” back in March, which means our holidays aren’t lined up (since the curriculum is designed to start in August).  I didn’t want to run into the same issue next year, so I decided I’d rather stretch out this fall with more OT stories.  We should be ready for Baby Jesus to arrive right around Christmas.  (Of course, since our own baby will be arriving only a few weeks earlier, the chances of us doing much as far as lessons any time around there are pretty slim.  But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it!)  Anyway…

Our first stop, as always, was the flannel board set.  Elijah is usually just an onlooker during this time, but after seeing me go through the story with Ian on Monday, he decided he wanted in on the fun.  Several times through the week he went to the table where it was set up and asked me to tell the story.  Of course, then Ian always wanted to join us, so we got in lots of repetition this week.

Elijah was SO proud of himself.  The boys both had a great time pretending to be the bear (Elijah) and the lion (Ian) that tried to attack David’s sheep.  (The lion got a little carried away and decided to chase Grandpa down the stairs.)

Because there wasn’t really a story to go along with David being a shepherd, we didn’t have a lot of choices of things to read.  I chose two passages out of The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes, one on David taking care of his sheep by killing the lion, and one on David writing songs to sing to God.  For memory work, I started working on Psalm 23 with Ian.  I don’t know how much he’ll be able to get, but I’m hoping to help him memorize the whole thing over the next 4 weeks we spend learning about David’s life.  We made it through the first part of verse 3 this week, which is a lot longer than our normal memory verse, so I think we just might make it.

My main concern with branching out from the ABCJLM curriculum is figuring out what to do for our Bible Notebook each week.  I usually get inspired from the great links included with each lesson.  This week’s story was pretty easy though.  This sheep craft wasn’t quite as 2-dimensional as I like to be for our notebook, but I knew the cotton balls would be a hit.  (We made an extra for Ian to play with and display in the kitchen along with Elijah’s.)  And as a bonus, he got a little scissors practice in with the grass.


I had some trouble deciding on what to put in our iPod playlist.  There were many different translations of Psalm 23 incorporated in to the songs I had.  (I decided to use the English Standard Version for our memorization.)  Ian noticed right away when one of the songs used “I shall not be in want” rather than “I shall not want” as I had taught him.  But I just told him they meant the same thing and he left it at that.  Here’s what we listened to this week:

Yellow Ball and Jenny’s Surprise Summer

Yellow Ball and Jenny's Surprise Summer  

Last week for Before Five in a Row I decided to do two beach stories, both of which were big hits with Ian.  Yellow Ball was one of his favorites last year when we read through all the books, but Jenny’s Surprise Summer was new to both of us and definitely lived up to the reputation of the B4FIAR stories.

Altough there are lapbooks for both Yellow Ball and Jenny’s Surprise Summer on, I didn’t see anything I’d want to laminate and reuse with the other kids, so I ended up skipping them altogether.  We did discuss most of the ideas in the book, and Ian was especially interested in then different kinds of shells in “Jenny.”  When I row that one with the younger kids I’ll have to break out our shell collection (currently in storage as we’re kind of in limbo with our housing situation).  I know Ian will like that, and I’m sure the others will too.

Thursday was a “field trip” day at the beach (the reason I chose these books this week).  Ian and Elijah both come alive in a new way at the beach.  I love the page in “Jenny” that reads, “Summer was the best time of all.  It was a time for bare feet and seashells and swimming with the gulls.”  Ian’s not much of a swimmer yet, but if you count splashing with glee at the water’s edge, that page describes him at the beach.  He’s just in heaven, and Elijah’s right there with him.


Speak, Lord, for your servant hears!

This week we continued learning about prayer through the story of Samuel as planned for us in the ABC Jesus Loves Me 3-Year Old Week 15 lesson plan.  I love that between the week on Samuel’s birth and this week on him as a boy, we learned both about presenting our requests to God and listening for his voice—both such important parts of our prayer lives!

Ian had a lot of fun this week playing with our flannel board set.  I just left it out all week and he kept coming back to it, usually asking me to tell the story as he manipulated the pieces to act it out.  I am SO glad that I went ahead and bought this great resource!  It seemed expensive at first, but it was worth every penny.  (And I used money from our tax return so it wouldn’t cut into our normal budget.)  It has been such a great investment, even if none of our other kids ever get as into it as has Ian.  It brings the stories to life and allows him to re-enact them over and over, planting Bible truths deep in his heart.  I highly recommend the Betty Lukens small deluxe set!

For our Bible verse, I deviated from the ABCJLM plan and went with 1 Samuel 3:10, which we sang to the tune of “Mary had a little Lamb.”

“Speak, Lord for your servant hears, servant hears, servant hears.  Speak, Lord for your servant hears.  First Samuel 3 verse 10.”

For our Bible notebook, I was inspired by one of the ideas from the ABCJLM lesson plan.  She had links to some print-outs of large ears, but instead of stapling them to a headband, I printed out a picture of Ian’s face and had him color the ears and glue them next to the picture along with the Bible verse.

We watched Samuel the Boy Prophet from Nest Entertainment’s “Animated Stories from the Bible” series.  (These DVD’s are great, but rather expensive for our budget, but sometimes you can find cheaper copies on Amazon marketplace.  I also discovered that they are shown on TBN and BYU’s satellite stations, so I took advantage of Grandma and Grandpa’s DVR and set it to record every episode.  Then I made note of what we have so I can use them when the appropriate stories come up in the curriculum.)

On our iPod playlist this week:

A few final words on ABC Jesus Loves Me.    Although I mainly use the Bible element of the curriculum there is SO much more to each lesson if you’re looking for ideas of how to teach your child all the basics.  And there’s now a whole schoolyear’s worth of curriculum for 2-year olds!  I love it because it’s not a structured program (which I don’t think is appropriate for little ones) but rather just a thoughtfully prepared plan for introducing all the sorts of things you want your child to know.  I would have loved to have this when Ian was two!  (I don’t know that I’ll use it with my younger ones simply because I think it will be easier to let them just tag along with my plans for Ian.)  My main goal in teaching during these “preschool” ages is to be intentional with giving the kids things to learn and filling their hearts with God’s Word.  This curriculum helps me in fulfilling that goal better than I could have dreamed.  I am so thankful for all the work “Momma C” has put into all three years of ABC Jesus Loves Me!

Hannah’s Prayer

This week we learned about Hannah, whose faithful prayers were answered when the Lord blessed her with a very special son named Samuel.  It wasn’t an ideal week.  We had another family funeral (!) which pretty much wiped out our entire Monday, but I didn’t want to let a short week derail us when we just got back on track with our Bible lessons.  So I plunged ahead with the ABC Jesus Loves Me Week 13 lesson plan, which just happened to include the next book on my Before Five in a Row list (see my previous post on The Runaway Bunny).

As usual, I introduced the story using our flannel board set.  I love sharing Bible stories that are completely unfamiliar to Ian.  He seemed particularly charmed with the story of Hannah praying for a baby, I think because we’ve talked so much about the baby we’re expecting by the end of the year.  (And having the priest named Eli probably helped too, even though our “Eli” is really Elijah.)  It’s a simple story that contains such a wonderful message about the power of prayer.  We retold it several times in the morning, and then because I had left it out all day, Ian asked to do it later after dinner and again throughout the week. He liked putting the Samuel figure up in the air “so he could talk better” to Eli.


I’m already excited for next week when we get to talk about how God moved in young Samuel’s life.  Our lesson challenged me to be more faithful in praying for each of my children, for I’m sure Hannah’s prayers did not end when Samuel was born.  On our first day (I’ve been really bad about remembering this the last few lessons) I started singing the Bible verse to the tune of “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring” as suggested in the lesson plan:

1 Thessalonians 5:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing,” “Pray without ceasing,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

I tried to sing it throughout the week whenever I thought of it: bedtime, bathtime, in the car… Even Elijah was trying to sing along, though his gibberish didn’t make much sense to Ian.  “Pray without ceasing, Eli!”  Come on, 1-year old!  Can’t you get the words right?

The boys both enjoyed reading the story in various Bible storybooks: the original version of The Beginner’s Bible (by Karyn Henley), Classic Bible Stories: A Family Treasury, and the original version of The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes.  (I talked a little more about the different versions of these Bible storybooks in this post on the Red Sea.)

For our Bible notebook, we adapted a craft from Danielle’s Place.  It’s quite a ways down the page, but if you search for “Praying Hands Picture” you’ll find it.


First we did a tissue paper collage for the “stained glass” window. (Ian took this work very seriously, though he got tired of putting all the pieces of tissue paper on, so we ended up with him being mostly in charge of the watered-down glue and me leading the way with the paper.)  Then instead of using the premade silhouette from the pattern for the hands, I used Laura’s suggestion from ABC Jesus Loves Me and traced Ian’s hand along the fold of black construction paper so it would open up.  He LOVED it!  As soon as I had cut out his hands and explained that he could put them together to pray, he started playing with them and recited the memory verse, completely unprompted.  (Well, he managed, “Pray without ceasing.  5:17,” but I was pretty proud, especially because I hadn’t said anything about writing the verse in it later).  I tried to write the verse with a white crayon, but it was too hard to squeeze inside the hands, so I ended up writing it again on the outer portion.  If I were to do it again, I think I might have printed it out on white paper and pasted it on, because it was just kind of hard read.


I didn’t have much for an iPod playlist this week, but the three things we had were fun:

  • “1 Samuel 1 Hannah’s Prayer” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
  • “God is So Good” (I had it on several CDs of Bible songs)
  • Karen & Kids podcast: “Samuel Part 1” (see this post to find out more about how we love Karen & Kids)

Even though we didn’t have time every day this week, I was really pleased with all we managed to do (including our Before Five in a Row activities).  Ian had so much fun with it all, and as we prayed at bedtime Thursday night he wanted to be sure to thank God for his paper plate bunny mask.  I’m glad he likes to share with God about all the things in his life.  I hope it’s the beginning of a long life full of prayer.

The Runaway Bunny

The Runaway Bunny

This week we “rowed” The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown.  It’s been a long time since we did anything from Before Five in a Row, and I’ve had most of our activities planned for weeks, so I was ready to jump back in.  Coincidentally, this also happened to be the book of the week in the ABC Jesus Loves Me Week 13 lesson plan we were using for our Bible story.  I pretty much stuck with the activities in the B4FIAR manual, as well as a couple things from

After reading through the story once just to enjoy it, the next time I pointed out to Ian that some of the pictures were black-and-white and some were full color.  I didn’t mention the pattern, but I did ask him to predict what we’d see when we turned each page.  At first he was just guessing randomly, but then he started getting it right.  He never commented on the pattern, but I’m wondering if he’d caught on.

Ian’s had a little trouble grasping the whole concept of patterns.  On several occasions over the last year I’ve introduced simple ABAB patterns without any spark of understanding from him.  It’s been one of those frustrating things where I just can’t figure out why he doesn’t get it (as in I just want to say, “Come on!  Isn’t it obvious what comes next?”  Obviously I restrain myself.)  I didn’t want push him though, so I’d just drop it, knowing he’d catch on eventually after other gentle exposures.  So I was glad the one of the activities (the “rabbit sequence strips”) from the lapbook at HomeschoolShare touched on patterns.  (As I’ve shared before I’m not big on lapbooks, but I do like printing and laminating components that can be used as separate activities.  I keep everything filed away by book so I can pull them out again when I go through B4FIAR and other special books with my younger children.)

The sequencing activity was extremely simple, but maybe that’s why Ian was successful.  I liked the way it established the pattern, but I wish I’d printed out another copy to cut up so he could keep going.  (He asked me where the next one was.)

The other activity I used from HSS was the “rabbit perception puzzle.”  I actually thought this was going to be too challenging for Ian, but he surprised me by matching all the pictures (some of them were very similar and you had to look really carefully to notice the differences).  He was quite pleased with himself when he finished and wanted to do it again.


We also made bunny masks.  I’d seen it on several other B4FIAR blogs, and to be honest it always seemed kind of silly to me.  It certainly wasn’t on my plan for the week, but while working on our Bible notebook page for this week’s lesson, Ian took the piece of construction paper left from a cut-out and started pretending it was a mask.  So I grabbed a few paper plates and made bunny masks for both boys.


Elijah liked it until I tried to put a rubber band on his and then it just made him mad, even after I took it off.  Ian, however, wore his around for a while, put it on his stuffed bear, and dragged it around with him for the rest of the day.  Each to his own.

Finally, we played the Goodnight Moon game again, though this time we tried a harder level and matched the color cards to the black and white gameboards.


I tried this is Ian a few months back and he couldn’t do it, but this time he whipped through all four gameboards matching every picture without any help at all.  So fun to watch them grow!

A few weeks after we “rowed” this book, someone passed along a link to these great storytelling pieces.  I’m planning to print them out to use when we re-row this later down the road!

Free is GOOD!

Just thought I’d take a minute to pass along a few of my favorite spots online for finding FREE ways to enrich our homeschool experience.  is a wonderful blog that daily posts free resources for homeschoolers.  If I see something that interests me, even if it’s too advanced for my children, I usually go ahead and download it to have available in the future.

Sometimes those freebies are from, but I like to check that site out directly as well.  I’ve found several fun ideas here, some for preschool, some for later on. is probably the site I use most regularly at the stage we’re in (and I anticipate it remaining so for the next couple years as we continue using Five in a Row).  It’s a great place for unit study resources, especially those that are literature based.

As far as curriculum, obviously we get tons of great preschool ideas from, but I also love AmblesideOnline (as I’ve written about before).  Most of it is geared toward kids older than mine (elementary on up), but the preschool/Kindergarten booklist and suggestions are a wonderful resource.  Learning about the Charlotte Mason method has also really helped shape my vision for our homeschooling journey. I realize not everyone is as nuts about books as I am and AO is definitely not a “school at home” type of curriculum.  Check out this post from that discusses several options available for free online.

I know there’s a lot more out there, but these are sites I access regularly for great free ideas, so I thought I’d pass them along 🙂

Karen and Kids Podcast

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for fun new ways to plant Scriptural truths in your children’s hearts.  One of the fun ways I’ve found to to this is through a podcast (fronm a radio program) called Karen & Kids, which I stumbled across on iTunes last year.  Ian LOVES it!  Each episode is about 14 minutes long, including songs and discussion between Karen Mortimer (a songwriter) and a group of children about a Bible story or particular spiritual principle.  The songs are also available on CD, but the discussion is something you just don’t find very often, so I really appreciate the whole show.

My favorite thing about Karen & Kids is the way she speaks to the kids at their level without being the least bit condescending.  She’s always very respectful, and I love hearing the kids’ thoughts on the stories.  The one thing I would change about the show is the song choice.  Karen has written many fun songs for kids, some of them about the Bible and spiritual matters, others about random things (like the Chesapeake Bay, a wiggly tooth,  and a “Ladybug Picnic”).  The songs are fun, but they often don’t relate to the main topic of the day, and since we’re listening mainly for the Christian content I tend to get impatient for those songs to be over.  Still, they do help convey the message that spiritual matters are not to be segregated from the rest of our lives, so I keep my thoughts on those songs to myself and just let the boys enjoy listening.

One final thought.  I download every episode and save them so I can use them in my iPod playlists as they correspond to our Bible lessons.  Just adds a little something special to our week!

Gideon: Mighty Warrior!

“The Lord is with you, mighty warrior,” says the angel of the Lord to the man cowering in a winepress as he threshes wheat to protect it from the enemies who have impoverished his people. (See Judges 6)  Mighty warrior.  I love how God sees the potential in us, because I’m certainly not feeling anywhere near mighty these days.  I have, however, learned a lot about having grace for myself.  I actually started writing this post about 6 weeks ago, when I was initially planning to teach Ian about the story of Gideon from Judges 7.  But more than a month of sickness, a week in the hospital, a family funeral, relatives in town, another death in the family, and a trip across the country for a family reunion all contributed to a less than stellar homeschool experience.  I shouldn’t say that.  After all, we’ve been learning a lot about life.  We just didn’t get to our Bible lesson very much.  And I can accept that.  We didn’t do even half of what we normally do for a Bible story, but you know what?  It’s time to move on.  Ian learned the story.  We’ll hit it again down the road.  Grace, Deanna, grace.  Here’s what we did manage to do:

This week Over the last 6 weeks, we talked about the story of Gideon from the ABC Jesus Loves Me Week 12 lesson plan–not one of the most popular Bible stories, but a fun one nonetheless.  The first thing we did (once I actually managed to start) was to read the story from Judges 7 during bedtime Bible stories.  I’m not sure Ian remembered much of it, so the next Monday we started as usual with our flannelboard.  I whittled Gideon’s army down to just three men, rather than three hundred, both to show the point that God won the battle with only a few men (we talked about how many there really were) and also so we could give each man a trumpet, a torch, and a jar.

Ian really liked the story and wanted to do it again, this time helping me pass out the items to each man.  He couldn’t figure out why they had the jars, so to demonstrate how loud it must have been when the men broke them we went out to the garage and I shook our glass recycling box.  It definitely made an impression.  The boys wanted to grab the jars and smash them on the concrete, but thankfully they were quick to accept my explanation of why that would NOT be a good idea!

And that was pretty much all we did for Gideon.  Never read it in a children’s Bible.  No iPod playlist.  No Bible notebook page.  No memory verse.

But lots of grace and love flowing in our home.  So thank you, Lord.