
I can’t believe I’ve been hanging on to this post for almost 2 months and never managed to finish it.  We’re in a crazy season right now.  I’m almost out of my first trimester, so I’ve been feeling rather sub-par for a while.  We’re also in escrow and getting ready to move into a new house.  We haven’t stopped doing school, but it’s definitely thinned out a bit.  Any Five in a Row books we’ve picked up have been done strictly “by the manual,” so I didn’t see much point in writing about them.  We’ve kept up Bible and composer study, but that’s been about it.  I’m hoping after we move I’ll be able to get in a few good months before the baby arrives in September (by which time Ian will “officially” be a Kindergartener!)

Anyway… just for my records, here’s what we did when we rowed Lentil by Robert McCloskey (way back when…)

We did several lessons out of the manual.  Ian especially enjoyed the lesson on the patriotism and the flag. We talked about the number of stars and stripes, and I showed Ian this map of the original 13 colonies and we compared it to a map of the 5o states.  We tried counting all the flags we could find in the book (37 including small banners people were holding that we couldn’t exactly tell if they were flags or not).

We couldn’t help singing “She’ll Be Coming’ Round the Mountain” a few times, but Ian’s favorite part of this book was playing the harmonica.  I had an old one around and our neighbor just happened to stop by and give one to the boys as well, so everyone had fun making music all week.  (And I’ve conveniently misplaced them and don’t know where they are now!)

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.


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