Wizzy Gizmo (Crew Review)

What is Wizzy Gizmo?
Wizzy Gizmo offers several products that are designed to help engage children in learning about the Bible. In addition to Audio Drama One: Who Created Everything?, they have two books based on Old Testament stories (the first tells the same story as the audio drama from Genesis 1, and the second moves on to Genesis 2), and a set of cards that teach about the books of the New Testament. (Other members of the Crew received these products to review, so you can visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog to see what they had to say about them!)
The audio drama is much more than a retelling of Genesis 1. The story features “Gizmovision,” an invention that “takes any book you have and creates a life-like world inside a bubble. You not only see the story, but you can touch, taste, feel, and smell the story.” Wizzy Gizmo, the inventor, and a group of children (along with a couple of silly sidekicks) embark on a journey into the biblical account of Creation. Day by day, they hear the words of the biblical text (read from the New American Standard Bible) and then use all their senses to observe what it would have been like to be there.
There are several catchy songs interwoven through the story, some just silly and fun, but others very worshipful.
Our Family’s Experience
Before we listened to Who Created Everything?, I had some hesitations about Wizzy Gizmo. I was afraid it was trying to add modern elements to the biblical story of Creation in order to make it more entertaining to kids. Once we listened to it, however, I was reassured that this was not the case. Instead, “Wizmovision” is used to help the bring the story to life, allowing the kids to think about how all their senses would experience the wonder of Creation. More than once I caught myself thinking, “Oh yeah, that’s what it would have been like!” It made the Creation story real to me in ways I had never considered.
I was impressed by the quality of the album. Although at times the acting seemed a bit forced, the overall production was excellent. (Audio samples are available on the website.) The music was beautifully orchestrated, and I especially enjoyed the last few tracks on the CD that were just the soundtrack with no voices.
As for my kids, all I can say is that they have never all been so into any audio entertainment right from the start! I first put it on in the car as we returned home from a morning out, hoping it would capture their attention enough that no one would fall asleep before we could get home for naps. It sure worked! They were immediately drawn in and spent the entire ride listening and laughing, especially when it got to the “Mango” song. The boys begged to take the CD into their room when we got home, and I think they listened to it four more times that first day. Arianna, who’s only 2, enjoyed it every bit as much as Ian, who is 6 and usually likes to listen to things beyond the attention span of the younger kids. (The recommended age is 4-12, but I think some kids on the older end of that span might find it rather juvenile.)
I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into the production of the Wizzy Gizmo resources. The “Who, What, Why and How?” page on the website shares a lot of the careful decisions made by the creators to ensure that the products are thoroughly biblical and wholesome.
[Note: The website itself seems to be still under construction. In addition to several typos that made me cringe, we were unable to find any of the “games, puzzles, and other fun activities” the CD insert said were there.]
Just the Facts
- Recommended for ages 4-12, but younger children will definitely enjoy it too.
- Audio Drama One: Who Created Everything? CD – $14.99
- Discounts given for sharing on social media
Final Thoughts
We want more Wizzy Gizmo! Since the CD is labeled “Episode One,” Ian’s been begging me to get “the rest of them,” but there aren’t any addition albums yet. Our whole family enjoyed this one so much that we’ll be quick to purchase any new audio dramas that Wizzy Gizmo produces in the future.
Connect With Wizzy Gizmo on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wizzygizmo
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Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/wizzygizmo