A Much Needed Sabbath
When I planned this year, I tried to schedule things so we would get some time off about every 7 weeks. I had left February pretty open, just saying we’d take a week off at some point, and last weekend I felt the Lord strongly prompting me to make this that week.
I’m so thankful I listened, for it ended up being a difficult week as far as my pregnancy is concerned (though everything is fine, praise the Lord!), and we all really seemed to need a chance to relax. There was still a lot of learning going on, but I didn’t try to work through any curriculum, so I’m not counting the week towards our attendance.
The boys both did several lessons on GPALOVEMATH, and we continued watching Friends and Heroes (about the ancient Roman Empire). We also spent a day at the wonderful Aquarium of the Pacific, and all the kids went to their music classes on Friday (choir, handchimes, reader’s theater, preschool music, and composer study). So really, we just took the week off from our regular literature, history, and science reading.