Reflections on My Word for 2015 (Blessed)

I am overwhelmed by God’s goodness to me. Ten years ago I wouldn’t have dared to imagine that I would be living this life. In the spring of 2005 I had just barely met Eric in a group at church, and while I was drawn to him, I didn’t think there was much chance of anything happening between us. For years I had longed for marriage and children, but it felt like that was just a dream that would never be a reality for me.
Yet here I am, ten years later, married to the man of my dreams, blessed with four healthy children in our home, one in heaven, and another kicking in my womb. I get to spend each day loving on them, teaching them about the Lord, and raising them up for His purpose.
Back in January, I mentioned some of my hopes for 2015:
Ever since we lost our fifth child early in my pregnancy last fall, I’ve been hoping we might still have another. Yet even if 2015 closes without any new members of our family, I don’t want to forget that I am blessed.
I dream of moving to a house with a big yard so my kids can spend more time outside each day. Yet even if we head into 2016 still in our mobile home, I am blessed.
While I certainly would still have been living a blessed life even if neither of those things came to pass, the Lord has continued to shower His abundance on us and both are going to be realities within the next few months. I found out I was expecting just a few days after I wrote that, and we signed the final escrow papers on our new home yesterday. Thank you, Lord. I am amazed at your generous love.
I must confess I feel slightly overwhelmed in this season. Blessings do not necessarily make life easy. Packing up our entire house to move while I’m five months pregnant and still trying to keep four other children out of trouble is a challenge. Add to that the stress of trying to keep the house presentable enough to show to potential buyers, and I fall into bed absolutely exhausted every night. I don’t want to forget, however, that all of it is because of God’s goodness. No matter what trials and difficulties I may face, Father, help me always remember that I am …