Wrapping Up Week 2 (2015-16)

We zipped through our three lessons in Our Weather & Water (from God’s Design for Heaven and Earth), making air currents with hot air from the stove, discussing the difference in weather versus climate, and having fun learning about condensation by breathing on a mirror.

Independent Learning
The boys have found their groove when it comes to their independent work on the computer. They work through their lessons on Reading Eggs, CTCMath.com (Elijah), and Teaching Textbooks Math 3 (Ian) without any problems, and while they’re still trying to catch up to their previous ease on xtramath.org, they definitely saw some improvement this week.
Elijah got started on the Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship set, and thankfully he’s been really receptive to my input. (He had been teaching himself to write letters, some incorrectly, and I was a little worried that he would resist any attempts to retrain those patterns.) The lessons are pretty short, and he’s really enjoying it so far.
I’m surprised to find that the highlight of school for Ian each day is his history lesson. He’s really enjoying the Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course on the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. This week the reading assignment for Level 1 was supposed to be St. George and the Dragon retold by Margaret Hodges, but since we’ve read that book to Ian countless times over the past couple years I gave him another option: D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths. It fit in well with our week on “Barbarian Invasion and Vikings,” plus he was immediately intrigued when the Introduction mentioned Thor, whom he’s come across in super hero books at the library.

A few final thoughts
My goal this coming week is to get my flannel board pieces re-organized. (They got jumbled up in the move). Ian has been eager to start using them to teach Arianna Bible stories, so I want to make that happen soon while he’s still interested!
Oh, and I’m STILL searching for our printer. It must be in some mislabeled box stashed in the garage or a shed, because I have done several thorough searches and it’s just nowhere to be found. Thank goodness for friends who’ve helped me get a few essential printed, but I’m ready to just have ours set up and ready to use whenever I need it!
Upcoming Reviews
We’re enjoying several products right now, so watch for these reviews in the next few weeks:
- With Lee in Virginia (audio adventure from Heirloom Audio Productions)
- Science Unit Studies for Homeschoolers and Teachers by Susan Kilbride
- Horizons 1st Grade Penmanship set (from Alpha Omega Publications)
- The Conversation by Leigh A. Bortins (founder of Classical Conversations)