More Brinkman Adventures! (Crew Review)

If you love hearing about God’s work around the world, you’ll want to check out The Brinkman Adventures. They recently let us review Season 3 of their audio dramas, and there was definitely some excitement in our house. They’ve been a favorite in our family ever since we discovered them when we reviewed their last season.
About The Brinkman Adventures
The “Brinkmans” are a large family with a passion for missions. They share stories from missionaries around the world, as well as learning how to reach out to share Jesus themselves. The series is actually produced by a real family, with each of the children providing the voices for the children in the recordings (along with professional voiceover artists for the other roles). Most of the episodes are based on real stories, which you can read more about on the website.
Each season has 12 episodes on 4 CDs (also available as a download) for over 5 hours of entertainment. Even if you haven’t listened to previous episodes, it’s easy to jump right in and enjoy, but if you’re like us, you’re going to be hungry for more and want to go back and listen to the other stories as well!
About Season 3
Season 3 (episodes 25-36) sees the Brinkmans continuing to support the spread of God’s kingdom. Along the way we meet many memorable and inspiring characters based on real people:
- A missionary named Tomás who smuggles tens of thousands of Bibles into dangerous countries
- A shy little girl who learns to trust in God’s strength as she follows His leading and becomes a spokesperson for Operation Christmas Child
- A family of missionaries who face difficult circumstances as they work to translate the Bible into the local language, an answer to the prayers of a local Christian man
- John Benti, a missionary introduced in a precious season who shares more inspiring stories of God’s providence for his ministry in Hong Kong
- Steve Saint, a famous missionary (and son of Nate Saint, martyred with Jim Elliot and 3 other young men), who actually plays himself in these recordings.
- Some of the Waodani tribe Steve’s family worked with in Ecuador
- Brave young men sharing the gospel in lands controlled be the Taliban
This is my favorite season so far. I really enjoyed all the episodes, but we especially loved the ones with Steve Saint. He has an amazing life story, from losing his father as a boy, to ministering to the very people who killed him, to inventing and helping to produce many products to help missionaries around the world. Ian was especially impressed with the “flying car,” and I had to laugh at the timing of this review, because the girl next door to us told Ian her dad was fixing their car so it could fly, and we’ve had numerous discussions about whether or not that’s really possible. That storyline led us to the Brinkman Adventures website to learn more about I-Tec, the company Steve Saint started.
Our Thoughts
Our entire family loves The Brinkman Adventures. 7-year old Ian is the biggest fan, because he has some sort of audio book or radio drama playing constantly in his room. He has been eagerly anticipating Season 3, and it exceeded all our expectations. Even my younger children have fun listening as we drive about town, and my husband and I especially appreciate having something we all can enjoy together while helping expand our children’s understanding of how God is working around the world. We love hearing the Brinkman family interacting with each other, growing in their faith, and most of all, learning about God’s faithfulness to His children as they minister around the world.