Wrapping Up Week 25 (2015-16)

This week Arianna got to start trying out Math-U-See‘s Primer level. She’s already whipped through 32 pages of the workbook, and all the kids have had fun getting familiar with the integer blocks, both the physical set and the “digital pack.”

Read Alouds
My little ones were down with colds, so we spent a lot of time just reading at home this week. We finished up Storytime With the Millers and moved onto Wisdom and the Millers: Proverbs for Children.
It was Ian’s turn to pick a chapter book, so we read Tree House Mystery (The Boxcar Children Mysteries #14) by Gertrude Chandler Warner. I remember loving the Boxcar Children series as a child, but I’m not wild about some of the newer additions. Thankfully, this was one of the books written by the original author, and we both enjoyed it.
For history, we got a jump on Johann Gutenberg (whom we’ll learn about when we come back from our break) with Fine Print by Joann Johansen Burch. Ian was more interested than I had thought he would be, and we had no problem getting through the book in three days.
Finally, we started reading Matilda by Roald Dahl. I’ve actually never read it before, but I enjoyed many of Dahl’s other books growing up, and after a friend mentioned this one I thought we’d give it a shot.

A few final thoughts
Of course the boys kept working through their other subjects as well, but we didn’t do anything too exciting so I won’t bore you with the details. Now we’re off to enjoy our break!
Upcoming Reviews
We’re enjoying several products right now, so watch for these reviews in the next few weeks:
- The Dragon and the Raven from Heirloom Audio Productions
- Math-U-See – Primer level with Digital Pack
- Essentials 2nd Edition (Multi-level reading, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary
from Logic of English) - Plug n’ Play Hub by Securly (helping provide safe wifi for kids)