Using Eggs to Point to God at Easter

Yesterday we gathered with some other homeschool families to celebrate Easter. Before our traditional egg hunt, I shared some of these thoughts with the kids during our devotional time. I thought I’d share them here on the blog as well.
What Do Eggs Have to Do With Easter?
1. Eggs are a symbol of new life

Just as a baby bird emerges from its shell to new life, when we choose Christ we experience a rebirth.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
It doesn’t get much newer than a chick hatching out of an egg!
2. Eggs can represent the Trinity
Hidden inside is the yolk, the source of life. The yolk represents God’s most important gift, His son Jesus.
The Holy Spirit intercedes for us, like a “go-between” between us and God So the egg white represents the Holy Spirit as it is in the middle. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Romans 8:26
(adapted from Lenten devotions: Catholic Holy Week Bible object lessons in Easter egg crafts)
3. Eggs can remind us of the Tomb
The outside of the egg is hard like a rock. When Jesus died, they put him into a tomb and rolled a big rock in front to seal it up. Just like with an egg, it looked like no one could get in OR out! BUT, did the tomb stay closed up? No. Angels rolled away that stone and the tomb was opened, just like this egg can now be opened up. Everyone thought Jesus was dead, but after 3 days inside the tomb, he came out and was alive!
Now, what’s inside the eggs that you’re going to get today? Candy or maybe some other treat! We put goodies inside the eggs to remind us that when Jesus’s friends looked in the open tomb, they got the best prize of all, that their Lord and Savior was really alive. That must have been very sweet for them. And now you’ll get a sweet surprise when you open your eggs too!
(adapted from Easter Egg Hunt Devotion)
Seek With All Your Heart!
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
Easter egg hunts can remind us of how we should zealously seek God. So go out, SEEK and FIND, and as you enjoy the treats in your eggs, just remember that the sweetest part of Easter isn’t the candy, but knowing that Jesus is alive!
Great work! Thanks for the ping back!