Puzzles that Can’t Lose Pieces! (Crew Review)

About FlipStir
The FlipStir puzzles are completely self-contained puzzles made in the U.S.A.. Each one contains a set of 10 plastic pieces that all need to be arranged next to each other to finish the picture. You use a “wand” with a hook on the end of it to manipulate the pieces into place. Since everything is enclosed within the plastic tube, there is no way to lose any pieces (definitely a plus in our household)!
There are several different puzzles available, some with straight pieces (Level 1), and some like our Solar System puzzle, with wavy edges (Level 2):
Level 1
- Rainbow Pencils
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
Level 2
- Solar System
- Statue of Liberty
- Periodic Table
(Other members of the Crew received different puzzles, so click on the banner at the bottom to read what they thought of those.)
Our Experience
When I first showed the FlipStir to Ian (8), he decided it was too hard and wouldn’t even attempt it. I tried it myself, and although it was challenging, I was able to complete it without too much frustration.
I really felt like the boys would be able to do it. So I got the first few pieces in place (the hardest part) and handed it Elijah (6). He was quite determined, and it wasn’t long before he had finished the whole puzzle. When Ian saw that his younger brother had managed it, of course then he wanted a turn. They were both quite proud of themselves for completing it.
In addition to the fun of doing the puzzle, the Solar System FlipStir is a great learning tool because you have to put the planets in order according to their distance from the sun (dwarf planets not included). This will be coming up as part of our memory work this year, so I love that the boys are getting in a little extra practice.
We really enjoyed the FlipStir puzzle. The boys are hoping to get more designs, and I think I might get another one the next time we’re going on a trip. They’re great to have in the car since there are no pieces to get lost, and even my husband and I enjoyed taking a turn trying to work through the challenge of completing the puzzle.