The Cat of Bubastes – Audio Drama (Crew Review)

Fast forward a few years, and we have been blessed to become familiar with the work of Heirloom Audio Productions, a fabulous company that is bringing Henty back for a new generation by creating exciting audio dramas of some of his most popular novels. Their latest creation is none other than my old favorite, The Cat of Bubastes. Needless to say, I was thrilled to get a chance to review this CD set.
About The Cat of Bubastes
The Cat of Bubastes tells the story of Amuba, a young man who grew up as a prince but is taken to Egypt as a slave after his people are conquered in battle. He and his father’s friend Jethro (who was given the order to protect him) become faithful servants to the Egyptian high priest Ameres, a man hungry for spiritual truth. Through his friendship with Ameres’ son Chebron, Amuba becomes familiar with Egyptian spiritual beliefs, including the sacredness of cats. They also befriend some Israelites and learn about the one true God. When Chebron accidentally kills the family’s honored cat, the boys must flee Egypt and head to Amuba’s homeland, where he fights to reclaim his throne.
Along with the CD set of the audio adventure, we were given the following bonuses:
- The Cat of Bustastes on MP3
- eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter (pdf)
- ebook of G.A. Henty’s original story with colorful graphics (pdf)
- A beautiful printable pdf poster with inspirational quote
- cast poster (pdf)
- soundtrack (mp3)
- “Behind the Scenes of The Cat of Bubastes“ (mp4 video download)

- “God Meant It for Good”
- “The Knowledge of God”
- “Idolatry and Tyranny”
Finally, the study guide concludes with more historical background information.
Our Experience
Although the boys and I have been enjoying adventures from Heirloom Audio Productions for the past few years, my husband has only recently discovered them, as he entertained himself on long overnight drives during our road trip this summer by listening to all the past recordings. So when we went on a weekend getaway recently, he was excited that we had something new. Our whole family enjoyed listening to The Cat of Bubastes together. As the excitement built and the boys are rescued by an Egyptian Prince, even my husband couldn’t help blurting out, “Moses!” when they asked his name. It was so fun getting to enjoy the story together.
The great thing about Henty’s adventures is that they’re not just exciting adventures, they bring history to life. I love that as we listened to The Cat of Bubastes my children were learning about life in Ancient Egypt, their culture and religion, and even getting some insight into what life was like for the Israelites during their time of captivity. It helped make the Bible more real to them, and that’s more than any textbook could do.