Wrapping Up Week 26 (2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16
 We had busy, busy week as far as school is concerned.  Whether it was the fact that we were coming off a break, or looking at next week with a couple field trips, or whatever, I found that we were putting in a lot more school hours than normal.


Arianna (4) is at that beautiful stage where she’s just discovering the wonder of learning.  In addition to continuing her lessons on Reading Eggs, we’ve been reviewing the Primer level of Math-U-See, and she’s absolutely loving it.  She even begged to bring it along to our music classes on Friday so she could work through a few pages during a break.  I love seeing the delight in her eyes and her smile as she figures things out.


LOE Essentials 2Another product we’re currently reviewing is Essentials 2nd Edition from Logic of English.  I don’t normally go for such formal curriculum, but this was a review I really wanted to get on.  I’ve taken a pretty relaxed approach when it comes to writing and spelling with the the boys, hoping they would fall into it naturally since they’re both such a strong readers.  Elijah seems to have an intuitive grasp of spelling, but it just hasn’t clicked for Ian as much as I had hoped.  We’ve spent some time with Spelling You See, but never as consistently as we probably needed to in order to see results.  Ian just was never enthusiastic about it and other things always took priority.

LOE Essentials 1However, realizing that he’s almost through second grade and still is struggling with spelling (at least when he’s writing in context–he does great with lists in the “Skills Bank” on Reading Eggs), I found myself starting to feel some concern that he needed a more direct, analytical approach to spelling, something that would help him make sense of the crazy rules that make up the English language.

I think we’ve found that in the Logic of English program.  Last week we went through all the Essentials “pre-lessons” (I bribed Ian with screen time in exchange for doing school work on our week off), and this week I dived into Lesson 1 with both boys.  I can tell already that this program is going to be beneficial for us.  Each day has some sort of game and hands on activities, so they have really enjoyed our time and are working hard without even realizing it.  I’m looking forward to getting through the first few weeks of it and sharing my full review.


Voyages With The VikingsI really want to start having the boys get in the habit of having a chapter book they can read and take with us.  We tried to start in on that this week, though we didn’t get as far as I would have liked.  Elijah started Voyage with the Vikings from the Imagination Station series. We were just trying to kill some time waiting for Ian and he got through a couple chapters reading out loud to me.

Scripture SleuthIan has been a reluctant reader.  He is an auditory learner, amazing me with what he picks up just by listening, but that has made him prefer audio books and being read to rather than actually reading himself.  I’ve often tried to encourage him but trading chapters (or pages), but I really want to start having him read independently more.  This week I introduced him to Concord Cunningham the Scripture Sleuth.  I intended it as a read aloud, but he was so into it he actually chose to read a chapter all on his own (which I’ve suggested with other read alouds he loves, but he has NEVER once been willing to try).  If his interest holds, I’ll definitely be getting the next book in the series.


This week in Ian’s Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course he learned about Gutenberg’s printing press.  We’ve talked about it a little bit before, but he enjoyed going into more depth on the subject.  He’s looking forward to our field trip in a couple weeks to the Huntington Library to see an actual Gutenberg Bible.  (If you want to know where to find the nearest copy to you, check out Where to see a Gutenberg Bible for copies in the USA.  Wikipedia has a list of all surviving copies in the world.)

A few final thoughts

Family JourneyThe kids and I are really enjoying A Family Journey with Jesus Through Lent: Prayers and Activities for Each Day by Angela M. Burrin.  The daily readings are just the right length to keep everyone’s attention (especially when they’re captivated by the candle burning on our wooden wreath).  I especially like the “Jesus, Speak to Me” section each day, which is similar to the devotional we had been using but is tied in with the stories.  The short prayers are also perfect prompts for the kids to guide them away from the generic prayers into which they tend to fall.  It’s written from a Catholic perspective but is very usable for families from any Christian tradition with a few minor edits.

Upcoming Reviews

We’ve got a whole bunch of products we’re in the process of checking out, so watch for these reviews in the next few weeks:

Starting This Year’s Lenten Journey

Although we were on a break from school this past week, we took some time to talk about the tradition of Lent.  Our church doesn’t celebrate it (though many of our friends do so privately), and while we’ve done a few things as a family in years past, I wasn’t sure any of children would remember.  I wanted to keep things uncomplicated this year, so we’re just doing two simple things each day.

Family JourneyFirst, we read from A Family Journey with Jesus Through Lent: Prayers and Activities for Each Day by Angela M. Burrin.  There is a a story each day, told from the perspective of a child witnessing different experiences in Jesus’ life.  Then there is a section called “Jesus, Speak to Me,” which consists of a devotional thought told as though Jesus himself is addressing the reader.  Each day also features a memory verse and a short prayer.  The book is specifically written for Catholic families, and there have been a few minor changes I’ve made as I read aloud, but overall I have found it to be a wonderful fit for our family.  The stories are told in an engaging manner, and my boys are learning about the geography of the area as they look up the different towns from which the children telling the stories come.

Lent 2After we read, we turn down the lights (our dining room has no window), sit around our table and one child moves the candle and Christ figure on our “Cradle-to-Cross” wreath from JoyWares.  That child then lights the candle and prays for our day, focusing on the prompt from the reading.  Finally, they blow it out and we start our day.  I love how all the children are drawn to the solemnity of this morning ceremony.  They all get so quiet as we watch the candle and pray, and I think all of us enjoy having that sacred moment before diving into the rest of the day’s business.

Amon's AdventureIn the evenings, we’re also going through Amon’s Adventure: A Family Story for Easter by Arnold Ytreeide.  It doesn’t have a chapter for each day, so we’re just reading it with Daddy a few evenings a week.  We’ve enjoyed two of Ytreeide’s Advent books, so I knew this would be a special treat for everyone to help us draw our hearts to Jesus during this season.

Legend of the Easter Robin by Dandi Daley Mackall (Book Review)

Can you believe the Easter season is almost upon us?  My children have been asking for some of the books our family enjoys leading up to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, we jumped at the chance to review a new addition to that collection.  They couldn’t wait to read The Legend of the Easter Robin: An Easter Story of Compassion and Faith by Dandi Daley Mackall.

The Legend of the Easter Robin points to Christ in numerous ways.  The overall story is about a little girl, Tressa, who delights in watching a family of robins from the time the parents build their nest until the little ones hatch safely out of the pale blue eggs.  She and her grandmother discuss different aspects of the experience along the way:

  • trusting the Creator to keep one safe
  • celebrating with Easter birds made from egg shells
  • the robin’s red breast reminding us of Jesus’ blood and sacrifice

Throughout the book, Tressa worries about the baby robins, but when they finally hatch, she is “sorry she’d ever doubted God’s care,” and she determines that whenever she sees a robin or feels worried, she’ll remember the legend of the robin who tried to spare Jesus the pain of his thorny crown.  The final page of the book tells about the history of the Pennsylvania Dutch legend of the robin’s red breast and the traditions discussed in the story.

Richard Cowdrey’s beautiful illustrations draw the reader’s eye on every page.  I especially like the black and white sketches of Jesus with the dramatic touch of red as his blood falls on the robin’s breast.  This book takes elements of “spring” that can often dominate Easter festivities and points to the true reason we celebrate.  It’s definitely going to be pulled out year after year as we look to remember Christ’s sacrifice.

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Wrapping Up Week 25 (2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16
 This week my goal was to get a solid start on our third term . . . before we head into a break. Our IEW class was cancelled, so we had to get through the lesson on our own. In some ways I liked walking through it with my boys, but in other ways it made me extremely thankful for the accountability given by being a part of a class.  I love the material (we’re using Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales: Writing Lessons in Structure & Style), and this week gave me a little taste of what it would be like to try to work through it on our own, which may be a path we take in the future.


This week Arianna got to start trying out Math-U-See‘s Primer level.  She’s already whipped through 32 pages of the workbook, and all the kids have had fun getting familiar with the integer blocks, both the physical set and the “digital pack.”

MathUSee Collage

Read Alouds

My little ones were down with colds, so we spent a lot of time just reading at home this week.  We finished up Storytime With the Millers and moved onto Wisdom and the Millers: Proverbs for Children.

It was Ian’s turn to pick a chapter book, so we read Tree House Mystery (The Boxcar Children Mysteries #14) by Gertrude Chandler Warner.  I remember loving the Boxcar Children series as a child, but I’m not wild about some of the newer additions.  Thankfully, this was one of the books written by the original author, and we both enjoyed it.

For history, we got a jump on Johann Gutenberg (whom we’ll learn about when we come back from our break) with Fine Print by Joann Johansen Burch.  Ian was more interested than I had thought he would be, and we had no problem getting through the book in three days.

Finally, we started reading Matilda by Roald Dahl.  I’ve actually never read it before, but I enjoyed many of Dahl’s other books growing up, and after a friend mentioned this one I thought we’d give it a shot.

Wisdom Millers Tree House Mystery Fine Print Matilda

 A few final thoughts

Of course the boys kept working through their other subjects as well, but we didn’t do anything too exciting so I won’t bore you with the details.  Now we’re off to enjoy our break!

Upcoming Reviews

We’re enjoying several products right now, so watch for these reviews in the next few weeks:

Wrapping Up Week 24 (2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16
 Two down, one to go.  We are officially finished with our second term of this school year!  I feel like we’re not getting in a lot of school these days, but really when I look at it that’s because I’ve made the boys be so self-sufficient this year.  They do math, language arts, and Spanish all on their own on the computer, and I just make sure they’re getting through their checklists, help them with any assignments for their writing class, and read with them.  I’m trying to be okay with not having a lot of extras on a regular basis.


Elijah completing his MEP worksheet with the help of Cuisenaire rods.



 This week we started Our Universe, the only book we’ve yet to go through in God’s Design for Heaven and Earth.  Ian was really interested in space a few years ago, but I think he got burnt out when we attempted to go through Exploring Creation With Astronomy from Apologia in Kindergarten.  We haven’t touched on the subject since, and I’m hoping we can rekindle some of that interest this term, using this book just as a launching pad for exploring specific things that interest him.

Astronomy 1I put on a DVD I bought that year but we had never watched called What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy Volume 1: Our Created Solar System.  It’s rather long (112 minutes), but Ian sat and watched the whole thing and didn’t want me to turn it off part way through.  (I thought it was a little dry and probably better for older kids, but Ian really learns well from things I think would be above the heads of most kids his age.)  I think it would be better used in smaller chunks, because it covers a lot of information.

Read Alouds

We continued reading Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter, just finishing it up this weekend.  I wasn’t sure how a book almost entirely about one little girl and the adults around her was going to go over, but it was a big hit all around.  Ian was constantly begging for more chapters, and Elijah and Arianna actually stayed and listened for most of it as well, which is unusual for them.

Dragon and the RavenWe also enjoyed stepping back in history with The Dragon and the Raven, the latest audio adventure from Heirloom Audio Productions.  Based on the G.A. Henty novel by the same name, it tells about the triumph of Alfred the Great over the Danes.  Ian learned about Alfred the Great in his Veritas Press history course a while back, so it was a fun chance to revisit his story.  (I’ll be posting a detailed review in a few weeks.)

Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young (Book Review)

I’ve discussed a few different children’s devotional books lately, but I couldn’t resist the chance to review one more.  Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young (adapted by Tama Fortner) is due to be released February 2, but the publisher was kind enough to send me a copy a little early so I could share about it as soon as possible.

Sarah Young is best known for her book Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, in which she shares daily devotions written from her personal prayer time.  They are written as though Jesus is speaking directly to the reader, and this intimate style and the encouragement Young’s writing brings has made that book the #1 bestseller in Christian devotionals on Amazon.  I’ve been going through the kids version (Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids) with my children, so I was eager to get a glimpse at Young’s latest offering.

Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids shares many similarities with its predecessor.  It is a children’s adaptation of an adult devotional (Jesus Today: Experience Hope Through His Presence, ECPA 2013 Christian Book of the Year).  The bright, sturdy hard cover with a ribbon bookmark makes it practical for daily reading.  It continues Young’s signature style of writing, where each devotion is a personal message from Jesus, along with related Scriptures for each day.  The simplicity is what makes it profound.  My children really respond well to starting each day with a little note of encouragement and time in the Scriptures to give them food for thought.

There have been a few positive changes as well.  Rather than having a devotion for each day of the year, Jesus Today contains 150 numbered devotions.  I like this style better because then I don’t feel torn about what to read next if I miss a day.  Also, the Scriptures for each day are all fully written out in the newer book, which for our family ensured that they get read.  (We don’t usually look up the references at the bottom of the page in Jesus Calling.)  There’s also a Scripture Index at the end of the book to make it easy to see which passages were referred to throughout the book.

If you’re looking for a devotional that can help your kids connect with God in an intimate, personal way, Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids is definitely one you’ll want to check out.

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Wrapping Up Week 23 (2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16
 Anyone concerned about homeschooling and socialization would have their fears alleviated by what our past week looked like:
  • Monday: play date
  • Tuesday: writing class, play date, and wrestling
  • Wednesday: ballet, church, TrailLife
  • Thursday: gymnastics and wrestling
  • Friday: music classes (choir, handchimes, composer study, and more)

I can definitely say I am NOT concerned about my children’s socialization.  Having all our activities in full swing has made it challenging to do any “extras” when it comes to school work, and then throwing in a couple play dates this week meant we really didn’t do much beyond the basics.


We finished up Our Planet Earth this week, so we’re now two-thirds through the God’s Design for Heaven and Earth curriculum we’re using this year.  We learned a lot about caves during our visit to Carlsbad Caverns back in October, so we didn’t linger on that lesson, just reviewed what we’d seen there.  I also let the boys watch Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures: Extreme Caving, which is a great DVD for learning more about the subject from a biblical worldview.

Read Alouds

I must admit I rushed through Ian’s choice of chapter book (Stanley in Space from the Flat Stanley series by Jeff Brown).  Even as a kid, I liked books that were either pure fantasy (like Narnia) or could really happen, and this series blurs that line too much for my taste.  I was glad when we finished it and got to move on to my choice: Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter (no pun intended).  My old childhood copy was so tattered I decided to get a nice new one for our family library.  Ian’s been enjoying it more than I anticipated, and he begs me to read more each time.



I’m really happy with the decision to switch Elijah to Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP).  It’s just challenging enough to stretch him without being frustrated.  When I decided to use it with him I printed out all the practice book pages for the rest of the year (from lessons 96-175).  I’ve been stapling together 6-8 pages that I want him to try to get through in a week, and hopefully we’ll have no problem finishing out the year on time.

Ian is still thriving on Teaching Textbooks Math 3, making me glad that we have so many options to choose from to find a curriculum that works well for each child. They both continue to practice facts each day on xtramath.org.

A few final thoughts

We had a lot of good family time this week.  Our church is going through a study on the gospel of Mark, so we’re using our evening Bible time to go a little deeper.  We finally broke out our flannel board set, and the kids had a lot of fun using the pieces the tell the story of Jesus’ baptism.

We also spent a couple evenings playing games together.  Daddy and the boys had fun with Sorry, and then the boys and I played several rounds of our new favorite, Qwirkle, which we also taught Daddy and Grandma.


Upcoming Reviews

We’re enjoying several products right now, so watch for these reviews in the next few weeks:

Wrapping Up Week 22 (2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16
In last week’s wrap-up I commented how my plans for school had changed over the course of the week as we went deeper into exploring some of the topics that came up.  This week was pretty much the opposite, as plans got disrupted by a trip to the Arianna's chinemergency room to stitch up Arianna after she split her chin open on our patio, followed by a complete crash of the hard drive on the computer where Ian does his Teaching Textbooks, and a trip to the store to replace said computer.  By some miracle we did manage to get through everything on my lesson plans, but we didn’t exactly follow any rabbit trails this week!

Read Alouds

In our morning “circle time” I decided to introduce the younger kids to the Miller family books, so after our time in Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids and Scripture memory work, we went back and started reading Storytime With the Millers.  At first Ian protested because we hadn’t finished reading all the books before, but once we got back into it he didn’t seem to mind.  Our whole family enjoys these stories.

Ian’s been begging me to get back to reading chapter books with him, so I pulled out Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  He loved it!  We read several chapters at a time throughout the day and finished in two days.

We also read Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley to go along with Ian’s Veritas Press history lesson on the Hundred Years War.

Storytime With the Millers Mr. Popper's Penguins Joan of Arc


I’ve yet to really settle into a good fit for math with Elijah.  He’s officially in Kindergarten this year, but he is such a little smarty-pants when it comes to numbers.  He enjoys pretty much everything, and he’s been jumping around various math curricula for the last few months.  Like Ian, he starts his lesson time each day with facts drills on xtramath.org.  After that, however, it depends.  Some days he wants to do CTCMath.com, where he’s almost done with the 2nd grade lessons.  Other days he does a lesson on Teaching Textbooks Math 3.  Since he’s working above grade level, I’m not really concerned, but I’d like to find something that’s a good fit and then stick with it.

DSCN1072xI think I may have found a good option.  I decided to go back to the curriculum I used with Ian for Kindergarten and most of first grade: Mathematics Enhancement Programme from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching in the UK.  I’ve always loved this curriculum, but it was a little overwhelming for Ian.  It is incredible rich, with a depth and challenge I haven’t seen with the other math programs we’ve tried.  Ian does better with something a little lighter and more fun, but for Elijah the extra challenge is fun.  So I looked through the Year 1 curriculum to see where I wanted to place him, and then printed out a few practice book pages, starting at lesson 96.  He worked through 1-2 pages a day this week and it seems like a good fit.

I’m not doing the lesson plans, even though I do feel like they’re the heart of MEP.  Instead I’m helping Eli through the first problem or so of each section on the practice page and then letting him finish on his own.  So far it’s working well, and he’s finding great delight in the program, like he’s solving brain-teasers rather than doing work.


Egyptian coffinWe made our first visit to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.  Every year we get a membership to a local attraction where we can have fun learning as a family (i.e. zoos, children’s museums), and this was what we chose for 2016.  The kids really enjoyed exploring the special exhibit on mummies from Peru and Egypt, which we wanted to hurry to see before it closes on Monday.  I was impressed with how the older boys really stopped to read the signs and learn about what was on display.

We also visited the museum’s nature lab, where all four older kids we engrossed in learning about the world around us.  We were at the museum for over two hours and never even made it off the ground floor, only managing to see the mummies and part of the lab.  Ian asked if we could go back the next day, but we told him he’ll probably have to wait a couple weeks.  I’m really looking forward to taking our time this year exploring all that the museum has to offer!

Upcoming Reviews

We’ve been assigned our first Schoolhouse Review Crew products for the year, so watch for my reviews in the next few weeks:

Wrapping Up Week 21(2015-16)

Weekly Wrap Up 2015-16

This was a week for changing plans to “go with the flow.”  I had planned to ease our way back into school after the holiday break.  But then we were just having so much fun, we ended up doing more schoolwork than I think we’ve ever crammed into a week.

Bridge Unit

The core of my plans for the week was a bridge unit.  Both older boys are really into building right now, so I had given Elijah the K’NEX Education – Intro to Structures: Bridges set for Christmas.  Eli really prefers creative construction to following directions, but I wanted him to learn about specific building techniques that he could use, so we pulled out The Bridge Book to learn about different types of bridges, and each boy built one of the models in the K’NEX kit.

However, my plans to further explore bridge construction were cast aside by other subjects as we got into our lessons, so that’s as far as we got.  I’m sure we’ll come back to bridges another time.

Circle Time

Jesus Calling for KidsI’ve missed the way we used to start our school days together, so I decided to begin cultivating the habit of “circle time” each morning once again.  We do our main family Bible study together with Daddy in the evenings (now that we’re through the Advent season, we’re back to Old Story New by Marty Machowski), so I didn’t really want to do Bible stories.  Instead I wanted to focus connecting with God in a personal way as we start our days.  Someone had given me a copy of Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids a while back, so I pulled it off the shelf and we started in with it.  Everyone seemed to listen an absorb it well, so I think we’ll stick with it for while.  The page introducing January featured Jeremiah 29:13, and all three older kids did a great job memorizing that verse over the course of the week.

Jeremiah 29 13
I originally planned to use this time for Five in a Row as well.  On Monday we read The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde H. Swift and Lynd Ward, which Ian and I rowed a few years ago.  I thought it would be great to go along with our bridge unit.  However, our history lessons got us yearning for Venice and the Silk Road, so we ended reading a different picture book each day:

Little Red Lighthouse Papa Piccolo I Vivaldi Orphan Singer Single Pebble


This week Ian jumped back into his Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course on the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation with a week on Marco Polo.  Both boys were absolutely fascinated by the lessons, and we spent a lot of time exploring related subjects.


Marco Polo’s home town has long been a favorite around here, ever since we first “rowed” Papa Piccolo a few years ago.  We revisited some of our favorite books, CDs, and videos about Venice and the famous Venetian composer Vivaldi.  (See those posts for other ideas to go along with a study of Venice.)  The kids will be learning about Vivaldi in their composer class this semester, so it seemed like a good time to review what Ian had learned and introduce the others.

  • I, Vivaldi (Lovely picture book that tells the story of Vivaldi’s life)
  • The Orphan Singer (story about a girl who sings with at the Pieta school in Venice where Vivaldi worked.  Not completely accurate, but still gives a glimpse into this piece of history.)
  • Vivaldi’s Ring of Mystery (Audio CD) Ian has listened to this several times a year since we first found it.  I think it’s his favorite of all the titles in Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Classical Kids Collection (though we’ve enjoyed them all).  I didn’t realize there’s also a book to go along with the story, so I just ordered it to surprise him.  (We have a couple of the others that complement the CDs in the series already and love them.)
  • Italy: My Palace In Venice (8-minute streaming video featuring a Venetian boy sharing about his home)
  • VENICE, Italy (25-minute streaming video that provides a good introduction to the city)
  • Ancient Mysteries – Miraculous Canals of Venice (This is a fascinating program about how Venice was built and the dangers facing it in modern times.  I watched it on Netflix years ago, but now that’s it’s no longer streaming I bought the DVD because it’s so interesting.)
The Silk Road

Last year my mom had visited a museum exhibit on the Silk Road and brought us several books as gifts, so we were glad to get a chance to pull them out this week.  The text of Marco Polo for Kids: His Marvelous Journey to China, is still a little too advanced for my kids this time around (though we probably could have done some of the projects), so we stuck with The Silk Route: 7,000 Miles of History, which has a great map in the front of it which I copied and laminated so the boys could follow along as I read the book (as well while we read A Single Pebble: A Story of the Silk Road during Circle Time one day).

Marco Polo for Kids Silk Route
Silk Road map
We also started re-reading Peril in the Palace (AIO Imagination Station Books), in which Patick and Beth travel to the court of Kublai Khan and meet Marco Polo.  The biggest hit of the week, however, was a series I stumbled across on Netflix called The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo (which I couldn’t find listed on Amazon).  All the kids really enjoyed watching this show (Nico would beg for “Marco”), and the older boys liked checking our map to see where the characters were on their journey along the Silk Road.


As if our history studies weren’t enough, we also had a fun time catching up on our lessons in Our Planet Earth from God’s Design for Heaven and Earth.  (I wanted to keep December light, so I decided to set it aside for a few weeks before the holidays.)  We actually got completely caught up by spending three days focusing on various topics:

Rocks and minerals (Lessons 15-18)

This was probably my favorite area of science as a child, so I have a small collection of geodes and other mineral samples that all the kids enjoyed getting to examine.

Ian also wanted to do the curriculum worksheet on the twelve stones described in the priest’s breastplate in Exodus 28:17-20.  We found some disagreement between the stones listed on the worksheet (or the colors they described) and our Bibles and other books we looked in, but it led to some deeper study, so it didn’t really bother Ian.

The two books he used for reference were the Stereogram Book of Rocks, Minerals, & Gems (old, but really helpful, and cool with the special viewing lenses) and Rocks & Minerals: A Gem of a Book, part of the Basher Science Books collection.
Earthquakes (Lessons 22-23)

Living in California has given us plenty of experience with earthquakes, so we didn’t do much besides read through these lessons in the book and discuss why building codes are different here than in other parts of the country that are more concerned with tornadoes or hurricanes.

Volcanoes (Lessons 24-26)

No, we didn’t build a volcano (though Ian certainly wanted to). We settled for reading the lessons and then watching several videos.

  • Introduction to Volcanoes (3-minute video to use to start a study of volcanoes)  All my kids loved it and we had to watch it twice.  In fact, it’s so fabulous I just have to share it here.

Final Thoughts

I didn’t even touch on some of the changes I made with math and language arts, but since there’s still some settling to do there, I think I’ll hold off on writing about those until I’ve got a little more figured out.

Upcoming Reviews

The Schoolhouse Review Crew is heading back to work, so we should have some new products to share about in the weeks to come!

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