By Faith Isaac (Book Review)

mathI really enjoy reading historical fiction based on biblical accounts.  Even though the authors have to add to the story and most of the books are pure fictional speculation, I appreciate how they help me visualize the ancient world and consider what might have been going on inside the mind of someone I’ve read about over and over in the Bible.  Therefore I eagerly took the opportunity to review By Faith Isaac by Elsa Henderson.

Although the story is primarily about Isaac, the author begins with the story of Abraham and how he came to trust the Lord.  In the first part of the novel, Abraham recounts much of his life story as he talks with Isaac, who is still a boy.  He tells how he never felt comfortable with the idols people were worshiping all around him, and how God spoke to him and called him out of that place.  He passes his faith on to Isaac, who grows up never knowing anything but complete trust in the Lord.  There are no accounts of great miraculous deeds on the part of Isaac in Genesis, yet he is remembered centuries later in Hebrews 11 simply for believing.

The tricky thing about “biblical fiction” is expanding upon the actual biblical account without changing any of the meaning.  Elsa Henderson did a lot of research, and it is evident in the details she puts into the story.  I wasn’t enthusiastic about the way she developed the character of Sarah, but that’s probably because I have read other fictionalized accounts of the same Bible story and feel like Sarah is an old friend.  Henderson made her less sympathetic than other authors have, and I felt almost defensive of her.

All in all, I would still say it is an enjoyable read if you are looking to immerse yourself in the world of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac.  It challenged me to consider what the Bible actually says about them and helped me to imagine what it must have been like to live through their stories.

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ARTistic Pursuits (Crew Review)

Spelling You See Review
Art is one of those subjects I love in theory but have trouble being consistent with in practice.  As a child I always loved any kind of art instruction and time to create my own artwork, and Ian also seems very drawn to all mediums of art to which I’ve introduced him.  I was delighted to get a chance to review the Early Elementary K-3 Book Two: Stories of Artists and Their Art curriculum from ARTistic Pursuits, because then I knew we would be sure to devote some time to an art program, even if only for the time of our review.  We both enjoyed this time so much, however, that I really want to make sure to make art more of a priority as I plan our day.  We may not keep up the pace of 2-3 lessons a week that we did during this review, but I want to be sure we include it at least once a week.

ARTistic Pursuits offers a complete homeschool art program, teaching both art history and art techniques.  I was drawn to K-3 Book Two: Stories of Artists and Their Art because I was eager to introduce Ian to some of the world’s most famous artists (e.g. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Rembrandt) and I thought he would enjoy learning about them through stories.  (Although we have done some work out of previous books in this series, Book Two works well as a stand-alone curriculum, and it is not necessary to have completed Book One in order to use it.)  All the lesson plans are contained in one non-consumable comb-bound paperback book priced at $47.95.

ARTistic Pursuits ReviewP1020995

There 36 lessons, providing one lesson a week for an entire school year.  As you can see from the Table of Contents, two weeks are spent on each artist, with two parts to each lesson:

Week 1

  • P1020987

    “Castle”— watercolor and “gold-plating”

    Introduction to the artist through a fictionalized story, often about his childhood

  • A project related to the artist’s work.

Week 2

  • Study of a famous work by the artist, looking at specific details or techniques used in its creation. (Although the pictures studied are in the book, I chose to find them all online and show them on the TV hooked up to my laptop so we could all get a good look at the same time.)
  • Another project related to the artist’s work.

There are also four lessons about art techniques (color mixing, watercolor wash, oil pastel technique, and printmaking basics) with projects that are separate from the artist units.

In order to complete the lessons you will need to purchase art supplies separately.  ARTistic Pursuits makes it easy to find everything you need, even before you get the book and look over the materials list.  They sell packs with the necessary supplies for each of their books.  Another option can be found at the bottom of the “art supply packs” page, where they also have instructions on how to purchase quality discount supplies by looking up the supply lists for their individual books through Blick Art Materials.  (This is what I did.  All but two items for this book are on the list, and they can be found on Amazon or any hardware store.)


Our Experience with ARTistic Pursuits


“Shepherd”— scratch art in oil pastel

At first I did some of the projects alongside Ian, but that led to trouble because he would start to copy me and then get frustrated when his paintings didn’t look like mine.  I ended up just demonstrating the technique and then putting mine away to work on later if I wanted to finish it. Similarly, I had to keep the book away from him while he was working or he would just try to copy the sample projects pictured there.  I really wanted him to feel free to do his own art rather than trying to duplicate someone else’s.

I loved the chronological journey through art history, especially learning about early artists I’d never heard of, like Cimabue and Giotto.  Ian really liked the stories about the artists.  When he was showing his fresco to Daddy one evening, I mentioned that we’d been learning about an artist named Giotto.  I asked Ian if he remembered anything about Giotto, and he immediately began telling Eric the story about how he painted a fly that looked so real his master tried to brush it off the wall.  He also remembered that Giotto had scratched pictures on rocks out in the fields.  (Our project from the previous lesson had involved using a paper clip to etch a picture into a paper covered in black oil pastels.)


“I spy a swimmer and pencils”— oil pastels

Having the projects that tied in with their work really helped impress upon Ian some of the things that made that artist’s work unique.  For example, The lesson on Van Eyck talked about how the artist liked to paint lots of details that viewers might not notice immediately but would only see if they really spent time looking at the picture.  Ian loved playing “I Spy” when we talked about Van Eyck and searching the selected painting for the different objects listed in the lesson plan.  Then of course he had a great time creating his own “I Spy” picture using oil pastels.

I also really appreciated these lessons studying the famous works of art.  Ian was so excited one night at bedtime when Daddy was reading him a book about knights that we’d picked up at the library that day and they came across a page with a picture of The Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, the very same painting we had looked at in our lesson earlier that week.  I loved it when our schoolwork shows up in other parts of his life and he gets to feel like a part of the wider world.  He already recognized the Mona Lisa, but now he feels some ownership of it after spending a little time discussing the painting during our lesson on Leonardo Da Vinci.


“Riding the Zip Line”—watercolor fresco

What better way to teach children about art history than to draw them in and have them create similar works?  I didn’t even what frescoes were until I was in my 20’s, and yet Ian got to make one at age 6.  This curriculum did a great job of exposing him to all sorts of different art.  Although we did use watercolor a lot, it certainly wasn’t the only medium used, as you can see from the pictures I’ve shared here.  All the projects really stirred up his creativity, and he ended up doing lots of art on his own outside of what we were working on during our art lessons.  We really enjoyed our time with ARTistic Pursuits, and I’m looking forward to finishing the curriculum and working on some of the projects still ahead of us.  If you’re interested in including art in your children’s home education, I would strongly encourage you to check out their website and website and Facebook page.


“Six-legged Dragon Breathing Fire on Mounted Knight”—watercolor and oil pastel

ARTistic Pursuits has a full range of curriculum available for all ages, and other members of the Crew have reviewed many of them, so be sure to click on the Review Crew banner below to read more about the other books in the program.  Here’s a list of all the books from Preschool-High School:

Preschool (ages 3-5)

Early Elementary (Grades 1-3)

Elementary (Grades 4-5)

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

High School (Grades 9-12)

There are also two new sculpture books available (with a third expected to be released in 2016), appropriate for ages 11-18:

ARTistic Pursuits Review

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Discipleship: Walking the Path of Life

Educating the WholeHearted Child: Chapter 4

WholeHearted“The path, or way, is an analogy for life that almost any child can understand from a very early age, and one that becomes even more meaningful and internalized as they get older.  The power for young children is in the concreteness of the image it evokes.  They can understand in an uncomplicated way that they need to stay on the path God has provided for them in order to be safe from evil and harm…” (page 58).

I love this analogy of the path of life.  It is a beautiful picture of walking in God’s ways, and it helps me see more clearly my role as a parent.  “You walk with your children on the path, and they look to you to be their guide” (page 58). This is something I can do.  Day by day walking in His ways, looking to Him for direction, doing our best to stay on the path.

“As Christian parents, you are the guides that God has appointed for your children.  He trusts you to be able to do the job–there is no heavenly hand-wringing wondering if he has chosen the best guides for your children” (page 59). I know this, but sometimes I really need the reminder.  God knows my failings.  He knows my weaknesses.  He knows where I am prone to stray off the path.  And yet he thought Eric and I were the best guides for Ian, Elijah, Arianna, Nicholas, and any other children with whom He may bless us in the future.

This chapter impressed upon me the importance of showing sympathy to my children.  As I read the Clarksons’ definition of sympathy when it comes to parenting, I realized this was exactly what I felt like I had missed as a child.  “Sympathy was… the willingness to understand and validate a child’s thoughts or feelings, in order to create a channel to the inside of that child’s heart” (page 60).  As soon as I became a mother, I determined that I never wanted my children to feel as alone, misunderstood, and unimportant as I had felt as a child.

Sometimes when Ian goes on and on about motorcycles or monster trucks or other things that bring him great delight I catch myself saying (or at least thinking), “I really don’t care.”  But that’s not the message I want to send to him.  I couldn’t care less about these boyish wonders, but I do care about Ian.  If I want to reach his heart with the things that are important to me, I need to make sure I have opened that channel by listening to the things that are important to him.  When it comes to encouraging him to stay on the path of life, he is much more likely to listen to me if I have made a point of being a willing listener to whatever childish fancies are floating through his mind and heart.
Each Mentoring Monday I share my reflections on what I’ve been learning from my “paper mentors.”  I am currently joining in a book discussion of Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay Clarkson (with Sally Clarkson).  If you want to join in, visit our Facebook discussion group page. 

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Our Newest Audio Favorite: The Brinkman Adventures (Crew Review)

Brinkman Adventures Review
If you’re familiar with my blog, you’ve probably read about how much we enjoy various forms of audio entertainment.  My boys seem unable to get dressed without some form of “stories” playing on their iPod dock.  I had never heard of The Brinkman Adventures until an opportunity arose to review their latest season of audio dramas, but I jumped at the chance to review The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24.  They have quickly become a favorite around our house.
These 12 episodes follow the adventures of a family with eight children as they work to support missionary efforts around the world.  Even if you haven’t listened to the first season, you can easily jump in and enjoy this set. (Our whole family was so engaged, however, we decided to buy the first season just so we could get more time with the Brinkmans!)

Brinkman Adventures ReviewWhat’s it all about?

Without going into every episode, here are a few of the highlights from this season:

The first seven episodes are centered around a trip to Belize, where the Brinkman family is planning to visit a missionary couple involved in multiple ministries, including a school.  In the first episode two of the kids find an old class ring and try to sell it to raise money to buy curriculum for the school, while also trying to track down the original owner.  When they find him, he turns out to be a retired missionary.  As the family drives to Belize they end up meeting with him and his wife, who encourage them with stories of their work trying to help the underground church in China and planting churches in Hong Kong.  Eventually the family makes it to Belize and gets to see the work being done by the missionaries there.  They even learn a little about the pirate history of Belize (which fascinated Ian)!

The last three episodes focus on the story of a family working in the Middle East.  In one we meet a young man from a Muslim family who has a dream that starts him on a journey toward Christ, even though choosing to follow Jesus will come at great cost.  His decision also triggers events that force the missionary family to flee the country to avoid imprisonment.  The Brinkmans later meet this family at a retreat and get to know the son, who is struggling to come to grips with some of the hard things that have happened to his family recently, but eventually learns to bring his troubles to the Lord.

The stories are fascinating, and provided good opportunities for our family to talk about how blessed we are to have the freedom to worship openly, how God provides for people doing the work of His kingdom, and how people’s faith can grow stronger during persecution.

True Family Entertainment

Because the stories feature characters from toddler to teenager, they really are for people of all ages to enjoy.  My oldest is six, and he was the biggest fan in our house, though these will certainly appeal to older children and teens as well.  Our younger kids listened in the car, but I’m not sure how much they were following along.  Occasionally certain lines would catch their attention, and then they would burst out laughing and repeat those lines to keep the giggles going.  Arianna (2) thought it was hilarious to shout, “I need a Bible!” over and over.

My husband and I especially appreciated having something we could all listen to together that was family friendly, faith-building, and entertaining.  The “Brinkmans” are based on a real family, and all the children play themselves (with names changed).  We loved listening to them interact with each other, help one another, and learn valuable life lessons as they faced different circumstances.  The stories were also a wonderful tool for teaching our children about missionary life, both the positive side as they heard about how God miraculously provided for the missionaries in the stories, as well as some of the harder aspects of serving in different places around the world.

The first time I put on The Brinkman Adventures, Ian wasn’t that into them, but I think it was because he already has things he enjoys listening to and he wasn’t really looking for something new.  However, it wasn’t long before he was drawn into the stories, and pretty soon he was requesting them in the car, at bedtime, or just putting them while he was working on art projects or playing in his room.  He has listened to the entire series more times than I can count, and I know they’ve really impacted him because he’ll often ask me questions out of the blue that end up being about something he had heard in the Brinkman Adventures and had been thinking about for a while.

Beyond the Episodes

If you’re interested in The Brinkman Adventures you’ll definitely want to check out their website (and Facebook page).  Because the stories are based on a real family, many of the adventures are based on real life.  On the website you can find out about the true stories behind each episode and watch behind-the-scenes video.  If you want to hear an episode before purchasing anything you can even listen to one on the website for free (and if you explore the site you can find more than one!) They operate on a donation basis, with the suggested price for the entire season being $25 for a 4-CD set (with free shipping!) or $17 for an mp3 album, which you can download immediately.  Happy listening!

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A Daily Dose of Proverbs


Look at those faces!  I cannot help but wonder where their journeys will lead them in the years to come.  So many hopes and dreams are wrapped up in this one picture.

Someday I hope I will be able to look back and say, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).

What can I do to help work toward that goal?  I hear stories of friends who “gave their lives to Jesus” when they were little, but I just don’t know what that looks like.  My children can tell you a lot of Bible stories (at least the older two can).  They could probably explain the basics of salvation.  Yet I don’t know to what extent they claim this faith for themselves.  So the big question for me these days is this:

How can I help guide them to a place of wanting their own relationship with Christ?

Right now that best answer I can give is to show them the difference between a life lived God’s way and a life guided by man’s own attempts at wisdom.  I want them to recognize wisdom and folly and to know which one they want to rule their lives.  I want them to hunger for a knowledge of God.  I want them to realize that trusting in the Lord is far superior to leaning on their own understanding.  I want them to look to Him to supply their deepest needs, especially their need for salvation.

But those seem like lofty goals when the oldest of my children is only 6.  Right now, I think the best thing I can do is to just fill them with the Word, pouring treasure into their hearts, hoping and praying that someday they will realize its value.

And so we read the Bible.  A lot. For a long time I struggled with “Bible first,” a maxim I’ve heard repeated over and over in homeschool circles.  We have a family Bible time in the evenings, and I wasn’t sure how do Bible in the morning without it affecting what we do with Daddy.  As I considered our long-term goals for our children I realized that what I really wanted to do was soak them in the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament.  Our evening devotions with Long Story Short by Marty Machowski have been wonderful for teaching our children about the stories of the Bible and how they tell God’s overall story of salvation, but we didn’t really get to spend much time in Psalms and Proverbs.

So for the last few months, our routine has been to start our school day on the couch, reading a chapter (or more, since Ian usually begs to keep going) out of one of the Miller family books and then 5-10 verses from Proverbs.  Sometimes it’s just Ian.  Sometimes the little ones join us.  But we’re starting our day in the Word, and I’m trusting the Lord that His Word will not return void.

I look forward to this sweet time every morning, and I think Ian does too.  The other day as we were putting away our Bibles, he turned to me and said, “Could we bring our Bibles to the park and do this with our friends?  I think they’d like to know all this too.”  I pray God will water the seeds I am planting and that Ian will share with all his friends and bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

CTC Math (Crew Review)

CTC Math Review
 The name CTC Math has been familiar to me for quite some time, but I didn’t know much about it until I was given a 12-month family plan subscription to review the program.  I wish we had found this sooner!  I’ve shared a lot about how an online reading program saved Ian’s and my relationship while doing a great job teaching him how read.  Now we have something that can handle math as well!  CTC Math provides online math lessons for Kindergarten through Calculus, and homeschoolers can get a great deal on a 12-month family plan so you can access every level your family needs with the same subscription.

How CTC Math Works

The program is broken down systematically, starting with the grade level/course.  As you can see in this screenshot, the course is then broken down into four streams.  (These four streams are the same for each grade, K-6.)  In Kindergarten the first stream (Number, Patterns and Algebra) is then broken down into eight topics.


When you click on “Number I,” a new menu opens up to show all the lessons for that topic.  Each lesson consists of a short video (about 2-5 minutes) which teaches the concept, followed by 8-10 questions.  After completing the questions, the student is shown the complete set of questions including their answers and the percentage they got correct.


When the student has completed all the lessons in a particular subject, they can earn a certificate based on their average scores: Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze.  At first glance, I almost dismissed the message about working toward a particular color certificate, but Ian noticed it right away, and it was highly motivating.

I was stunned.  One of the main frustrations I have had with Ian, particularly in math, is that he just doesn’t seem to care how well he does.  For a recovering perfectionist who never would have been able to settle for a 90% if I knew I could retake the test to get 100% (and wipe out all evidence of that 90% by repeating a perfect test 3 times), I just don’t get Ian’s acceptance, especially when he gets things wrong just because of sloppy counting or other silly mistakes.  However, the certificate system with CTC Math actually motivated him to want to do better.  He didn’t insist on getting 100% (probably a much healthier attitude than my own), but he did want to improve himself and achieve at least a silver, sometimes even choosing to do lessons over in order to move up to gold.  It drove him to really do his best, and for the first time he started caring when his carelessness cost him an answer he really could have gotten right.  This sort of incentive was one of my favorite things about the program (and Ian’s too).

There are diagnostic and comprehensive tests for each topic (the only difference being the number of questions on each test), but after doing a few of those I decided to skip them with Ian.   If I were considering letting him pass out of a topic I might use them, but for now I just want him to work through each topic systematically.  I appreciate that the program doesn’t require the tests in order to move on, but I also like the fact that they are there if we choose to use them.

Our Experience With CTC Math

For the most part Ian was able to work very independently, which was great.  The video lessons were very thorough and easy to understand.  Most days I had him work on the laptop we have attached to our television so I could be working in the kitchen or folding laundry while still keeping an eye on what he was doing.  Occasionally he would come across something requiring my help, but usually it was because he was stumbling over a word.

For example, in the section on mass, the student is supposed to compare two items and choose from the words “heavier” and “lighter” to complete the sentence.  Ian reads really well for a Kindergartener, but even he had a hard time with reading some of the words.  Sometimes there were pictures of the items, but not always.  For example, one of the sentences was ,”An envelope is [blank] than a tennis ball.”  It would have been easy to have a picture of each item, but instead he had to call me over to read “envelope” for him.  Another sentence was comparing a loaf of bread with a cricket bat, which I doubt most American 5-year olds are familiar with.  CTC Math is based in Australia, but we were able to specify which country we are in so the currency lessons would be familiar.

Unfortunately, the money lesson was the one real problem we had.  The bills were hard to make out, and even I had a hard time discerning the denominations in some of the questions.  I thought viewing the lessons on the television screen might help, but it actually made it harder, as the poor quality of the scans became even more obvious.  We were glad to be done with that lesson, and I hope it’s something they will be able to improve in the future.

CTC Math Review

All in all I was very pleased with the program.  Although it can be used as extra tutoring for students in traditional school, there are also many features that make it ideal for homeschoolers.  I like that I can set the level for what is considered a “passing” grade.  I also really appreciate the weekly reports I receive in my email as well as the reports I could pull up to see how he had done on various units (and print out to keep in his work portfolio).  There was a lot of flexibility that allowed us to use the program in a way that best fit our family’s needs.

The program is very thorough as far was what it covers, but I don’t think it is enough to consider as a stand-alone curriculum.  I might use it as a framework, but it would definitely require some filling out in order to use it over the course of an entire year.  Ian completed all the Kindergarten-level work in about 4 weeks and then moved on to the First Grade lessons.  Also, I personally prefer a spiral approach where the topics get revisited more often than once a year, and it seemed like I would have to do some serious planning in order to make that happen with CTC Math.

I was impressed with the simplicity and thoroughness of the program, but since it would be an additional expense after paying for another curriculum, I don’t think it would fit in our family’s budget right now.   However, as my kids get older and are all doing schoolwork, I may reconsider that, since the $118.80 12-month family plan for homeschoolers could include everyone.  (Homeschoolers can take advantage of a 60% off sale, whether purchasing a monthly, 6-month or 12-month plan!)  They offers you five student log-ins at first, but if you need more you can simply request them for no additional charge, so it’s great for large families!

If you’re looking for a way to help your student become more independent in math, I highly recommend CTC Math.  Visit their website or Facebook page to find out more.  You can even try out the program for free!

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Home Nurture: It All Starts in MY Heart

Educating the WholeHearted Child: Chapter 3 (Part 2)

WholeHeartedAs they closed this chapter the Clarksons reminded us that “it all starts in your heart” (page 54) and “it all ends in your child’s heart” (page 56).  Pardon the pun, but I think that really is the heart of the matter.  It is easy for me to think about how I want to shape and guide my children, but I think I get into trouble when I focus on the end product rather than the starting place.

Reflecting on this idea was deeply convicting for me.  I felt the weight of many of Jesus’ words as I realized some of the mistakes of which I am continually guilty.

Clean cups and whitewashed tombs.

Jesus condemned the Pharisees for focusing on the outward appearance while neglecting to tend to the inward reality.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness.  So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” (Matthew 23:25-28).

To be perfectly honest, I think sometimes my mentality is that I’ll clean the outside of the cup first, or present a respectable whitewashed tomb, and then everyone can see something pretty while I work on cleaning the inside.  But even if I manage to fool the outside world, I certainly can’t fool God, and really I can’t even fool my children, who spend pretty much every waking hour in my presence.  They know the real me.  They see my weaknesses and my flaws.  They know that what the world might see isn’t the whole picture.

I don’t want my children to think of me as a hypocrite.  I try to be vulnerable with them, to ask them for forgiveness, to share with them when I struggling.

The other day I was leading them in a time of communion, and I was trying to model for them the thought process I go through as I approach the elements.

“What sin have I committed?” I mused out loud, hoping to help them focus their thoughts inward and consider the state of their own hearts.

“You yell,” Ian said frankly.  (I’ve been asking for forgiveness for yelling a lot lately.)

“Um… yes.  So that’s what I’m thinking about right now.  But you’re supposed to be thinking about your own sin.”

Which leads me to the second teaching of Jesus that the end of this chapter made me consider.

The log in my own eye.

Ian may have been overlooking his own sin to point out mine, but he learned that from a master.

Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5).

As I try to help guide my children and correct them, I often am pointing out specks that pale in comparison to the log in my own eye.  Now, obviously this passage isn’t addressing parents, and if we waited until we had dealt with all our own imperfections before correcting our children we would turn out some pretty scary offspring.  However, I have sometimes often caught myself speaking to one of them in a tone that I just corrected when I heard them use it toward a sibling, or saying things in a less than encouraging way when I am frequently reminding them to “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).

So as I consider the importance of nurturing my children’s hearts and shepherding their spirits to long for God, I want to keep in mind that it all starts in my heart.  I need to be spending time daily in the Word of God.  It gets said over and over, but in the craziness of life with four young children I let it slip far too often.  I have taken to leaving my Bible open so I can catch a snippet in any spare moment.  I often only get to read a few verses a day, but I try to make sure I at least take in a little of the Word daily.  I post verses above my kitchen window and reflect on the same one for weeks at a time.  I am trying to tend my own heart so that what overflows to my children is the kind of spirit-filled life I desire for them.  Only then will I be able to truly nurture the hearts and nourish their spirits in such a way that they will hunger for the true source of life.

Each Mentoring Monday I share my reflections on what I’ve been learning from my “paper mentors.”  I am currently joining in a book discussion of Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay Clarkson (with Sally Clarkson).  If you want to join in, visit our Facebook discussion group page. 


The Resurrection: Letting Go of Expectations

It seems like the main lesson I learned through this Lenten season was that things are not always going to happen the way I expect.  Lent TreeOur Lenten Tree limped to life in spurts.  Because it wasn’t connected to either our evening family Bible Time devotions nor our morning Bible reading with school, we just didn’t add to it as regularly as I hoped.  Instead we kept adding leaves in clusters.

There were two ways we brought our tree to “life.”  The leaves were made using the printable “ornaments” from Gina at Seamless Days.  She has drawn up simple pictures to represent the stories mentioned in No Ordinary Home: The Uncommon Art of Christ-Centered Homemaking by Carol Brazo.  They tell the story of God’s redemption from Creation to the Resurrection.  We also added flowers to represent some of the ideas I got from Bring Lent to Life: Activities & Reflections For Your Family by Kathleen M. Basi (e.g. people we’re praying for, things we’re thankful for).  I still like the idea of the tree, but the next time we try it I think we’ll make sure to connect it with the devotions during our family Bible Time.

Even though we didn’t add to the tree daily or as often as I would have liked, at least it did happen (sort of) and provided the visual lesson I intended.  I had other plans for Lent that never happened at all, so I went to church this morning with anticipation in my heart, hoping for a great glorious celebration tapping into two thousand years of tradition of celebrating the miraculous morning of the Resurrection, something that would wipe away the dissatisfaction of my frustration expectations.

Then my children had one of the most difficult times in church I can remember since we started keeping them in the main service with us a few years ago.  (Actually, it was probably just one child in particular having trouble, but multiple issues on that front made me hyper-sensitive and then every little thing out of the others seemed a lot worse than it was.)  I ended the service in tears.  The morning had not been the glorious experience of my dreams.

I imagine the disciples felt the same way at the beginning of that Sunday morning so long ago.  Here they were, at the culmination of three years of ministry following Jesus, expecting him to triumph over their oppressors and establish his kingdom, only to find themselves left with a body in a tomb.  They adjusted to his death and tried to figure out where to go from there.  Then the women came back from the tomb proclaiming Christ’s resurrection.  In spite of the fact that Jesus had told them he would be raised on the third day, they still had a hard time believing it until they saw him for themselves.  It wasn’t until they let go of their expectations that they were able to fully experience the awesome power of Christ’s victory over death.  What started as a gloomy morning turned into a joyous celebration.

My own morning did get better.  Our merciful God brought several good friends around me who offered comfort and encouragement, and by the time we left the church building my spirit was renewed and refreshed.  Even though the rest of our day has just been an ordinary Sunday at home, there is something different inside me.  I have spent the day reading through the story of Easter morning in all four gospels and reflecting on the beauty of the Resurrection.  While my day wasn’t quite so dramatic as that first Resurrection Sunday, it still ended up being a time of joy and marveling at the glory of God.  As I let go of my expectations I was able to embrace His mercy, His grace, and His infinite love.  And that is a wonderful way to celebrate the day God triumphed over death and gave us the incredible gift of new Life.


A Home Full of Life

Educating the WholeHearted Child: Chapter 3

WholeHeartedAs I started to read through Chapter 3 (“Home Nurture: Shepherding Your Child’s Spirit to Long for God”), one word stood out to me: life.  Here are a few of the quotes I highlighted on the first page:

“A home can be filled with praiseworthy Christian things and activities and yet still seem lifeless.  It just doesn’t seem as though the Spirit of Christ is alive there.”

“…your first responsibility as a parent is to lead your children to the life-giving presence and reality of Christ in your heart and home.”

“You are to be the primary life-giving presence of Christ to your children, through his Spirit living and working in your life as a Christian parent and through his Word, just as Christ imparted life to those who came in contact with him…”

“Children who grow up in a home that is alive with the Spirit of God and whose spirits are nurtures and fed will be coming life-living and life-giving adults.”

When I finished page 45 I realized that every passage I had highlighted contained the word “life.”  I’ve shared over the past few weeks that I find “home nurture” more challenging than “home discipleship” and “home education” (the Clarksons three “biblical priorities” that define a Christian home) (page 20).  However, as I read through these first few pages of Chapter 3 I felt a sense of relief.  (As in, I’m not screwing up my kids quite so much as I thought!)

I do think our home is full of life.  There are a lot of Christian “things and activities,” but there is definitely more than that.  The Clarksons look at Ephesians 6 and talk about Paul’s instructions to bring children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (To “bring them up” could also be translated as “to nourish” or “to nurture” them).  As I read through their descriptions of what that nurturing looks like, I realized that there is a lot of that going on in our home.

We try to address things on a heart level.  We practice grace.  We talk to our kids and speak life-giving words into them.  We pray with them.  We ask for forgiveness when we’re wrong.  We regularly have other families over for times of fellowship, prayer, worship, encouraging one another, etc.  We are trying to walk out a life of faith in front of them.

I’m not saying we’re perfect or we’ve got it all together, but I’m not beating myself up quite so much either.  I think reading through this book is helping me to take more notice of what I do and how I do it.  It’s showing me not only my weaknesses but also my strengths, and I can see more clearly things I want to work on and areas in which I need to pray that God will help me to grow.  For instance, I loved the Clarksons encouragement about the Word of God: “When you read the Bible, let them know it is God speaking to you as a family” (page 47).  It would be easy to bring this into conversation, but sometimes I forget and Bible time just becomes part of our routine.  I want to make sure my children know that I believe God’s Word is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12).

I love that we never stop learning and growing.  I am so thankful for God’s grace in my life.  I look back at the growth He has brought about in me over the years that I have followed Him, and I know that He is going to continue to help me become the parent He wants me to be.  And when I mess up, at least I know my children have a Savior they can turn to.  After all, if they had a perfect mother who could make all things right in their life, why would they need Him?  All I can do is turn to Him to fill me with His life, and then let that life pour out of me into my children.  And someday they will learn to go right to the source of true life because they have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8).

Each Mentoring Monday I share my reflections on what I’ve been learning from my “paper mentors.”  I am currently joining in a book discussion of Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay Clarkson (with Sally Clarkson).  If you want to join in, visit our Facebook discussion group page.


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