5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials, #5: Our iPod

(This week several members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew have been giving everyone a glimpse into their daily lives by sharing “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials.”)

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My last “essential” might seem odd to some people, but I use iPods a lot in our homeschool.  It’s a way to change things up a bit from traditional school methods, and it works well for all of us.  The boys like listening while they do other things (not realizing it’s actually “school”), and I like being able to multi-task and get school done while I’m driving, cooking dinner, etc.

Our “Listening Lessons” have been a regular part of our day since I first started doing preschool with Ian.  It started as just stories (see “Learning as we play…and drive…and live“), but then I realized I could do a lot more.  Now we spend lots of time each week listening to Bible passages, Scripture memory songs, catechism questions, poetry, songs about Bible stories, podcasts, radio dramas, classical music and any other audio resources I find that fit in with our current lessons.

To make it easy to find what I want during the week, I like to plan ahead.  I create playlists in iTunes with everything I want us to listen to related to our lessons.  Sometimes I’ll create multiple lists, like one for Bible and one for the composer we’re learning about.  For example, here is my Bible “Listening Lesson” from our week on “God Creates Man“:

At the same time we were studying Beethoven, so I had another playlist for when we wanted to do composer study:

I am amazed at how much my children have absorbed just from turning on the iPod as we drive or as they play.  I often hear Ian retelling a Bible story using the exact words from the ESV because he’s heard it several times.  I’ve gotten numerous comments on both the boys’ extensive vocabularies, which I think are a direct result of the hours they’ve spent listening to quality literature as they fall asleep each night.

It might seem overwhelming at first to know where to look for things to add to a playlist for your kids, so here are a few of my “go-to” resources.  (I’ve also shared many playlists on blog posts over the past few years so you could search this site for “listening lesson” and/or “playlist” to see other examples.)

Favorite Audio Resources:

Of course, don’t forget to check your local library.  Ours has a wonderful collection of audiobooks in the children’s section.  It’s also a great place to find classical music.

And that wraps up my top five!  How about you?  What would you consider top five essentials to your homeschool experience?

In case you missed them, here are links to my other posts in this series.

Essential #1: God’s Guidance

Essential #2: My Husband

Essential #3: Books, Books, and More Books

Essential #4: The Internet

Click on the picture below to see what the rest of Crew has blogged about this week! 

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials

Or if that list is too daunting, get started with these blogs:

Marcy @Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Tess @ Circling Through This Life

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials, #4: the Internet

(This week several members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew will be giving everyone a glimpse into their daily lives by sharing “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials.”)

internet photo: Logo Internet internet.jpg

Do you remember when you first discovered the Internet?  I do.  At first I didn’t realize how big it was.  I just used it for email and Instant Messaging.  Those two things alone were pretty amazing.  Eventually, however, someone taught me about search engines, and before I knew it, the whole world was opened to me without ever leaving my desk.  That was about 20 years ago.  Nowadays I honestly cannot imagine trying to homeschool without the Internet.  I know countless people have done it through the ages, but it has become such an integral part of what our family does that I have to include it in my top 5 homeschooling essentials.

Here are a few ways we utilize this fantastic resource:

Online School

I realized early on that Ian and I have very different learning styles, which often leads to frustration on both sides when he’s trying to learn a new concept.  We first encountered this when he was learning to read.  Some people told me 4 years old was just too young, but since my brother and I both read well at that age, I wasn’t going to give up so easily.  Thankfully we found Reading Eggs, a site with one of the best learn-to-read programs of any kind I’ve ever seen. [Edited to remove link because I no longer recommend this program. See “Good-bye, Reading Eggs.”]  Ian had so much fun doing the lessons and learned so much.  Within days he was reading on his own, and enjoying the feeling of success.  Elijah also started going through the lessons, and it has been just as wonderful for him.  Right now we’re reviewing on online science program and it’s proving to me that online lessons are a great way for my kids to learn.  I imagine we’ll find classes online to be a regular part of our curriculum in the years to come.

Educational Games

There are so many wonderful sites out there with educational games.  If I need to keep the boys occupied so I can finish dinner or tend to another child’s needs for a while, I know they can easily entertain themselves on Starfall, ABCya, Kabongo, Teach Your Monster to Read, and lots of other sites we’ve preapproved and given them access to.  (All of those are free, though we have also paid for a subscription for “More Starfall” because it has some wonderful activities that both boys love.)


In addition to online lessons, we’ve found a lot of curriculum for traditional lessons available online for free.  Some people thrive on a boxed curriculum, but I am not one of them.  I tend to tweak everything to fit our needs, and I’m not willing to pay for something I’m just going to change.  I prefer to look online for a free curriculum to provide some structure, and then I adapt it as I see fit.  We did that in preschool with ABC Jesus Loves Me, and I plan to do something similar with Ambleside Online starting in 1st grade. (I’ve also gotten lots of good ideas from An Old Fashioned Education, another free online curriculum.)  For math, I have found nothing I like better than the Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) from the Center for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, which just happens to offer all the materials for free online.


We also use the Internet to find the materials we need for teaching, such as e-books and audiobooks (both of which I usually get from BooksShouldBeFree.com), regular paper books (I especially love buying used books on Amazon to save money), and school supplies.  Amazon Prime is awesome for getting what I need quickly.  For example, when we decided to “row” Owl Moon (post coming soon!) I thought it would be fun to dissect an owl pellet.  I was doing my lesson planning on Saturday so it was kind of late to start looking for science supplies, but I went on Amazon to see if they had owl pellets and they did!  I placed an order and they were here Monday, giving me plenty of freedom as to when I wanted to include them in our week.  (I love Amazon so much it almost got its own day this week.  It’s more of an essential when mothering lots of young children, however, rather than homeschooling, so I decided to just include it here.  I use it for ordering as many non-perishable groceries as I can, mostly through the Subscribe & Save program where I can save 20% when I have 5 or more items delivered that month.  It is so much easier to have things delivered to my door than to drag four young children to the store!)


The other part of Amazon Prime that I love is the streaming video.  There are many educational programs available to watch for no additional charge.  One of our favorites is Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.  We watch an episode almost every day at lunch, and I’m amazed at what the kids have learned from it.  It’s like having a virtual fieldtrip every day.  We’ve also found videos on Netflix to complement our lessons.

While life might have been simpler before the Internet, I am so thankful for the ways it has made our life easier, particularly when it comes to homeschooling.  It is awesome having so much information readily available to us with just a few clicks on a mouse!

In case you missed them, here are links to my other posts in this series so far:

Essential #1: God’s Guidance

Essential #2: My Husband

Essential #3: Books, Books, and More Books

Click on the picture below to see what the rest of Crew is blogging about this week! 

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials

Not sure where to star?  Check out these blogs:

Marcy @Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Tess @ Circling Through This Life

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials, #3: Books, Books, and More Books

(This week several members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew are giving everyone a glimpse into their daily lives by sharing “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials.” )


It seems so obvious, I know, but that’s why because it’s so essential.  After God and my husband, books are up there near the top of my list when it comes to the essentials of homeschooling.  The thing that makes books so important is that they are bridges to any information we might want to learn.  When seeking knowledge about something, we can almost always find a book that will help us learn more about it.  A love of reading means any gaps that might remain in our children’s education when they graduate (and there will be gaps!) can be filled in if ever the need arises because our children know where to go to find the answers.

One of the keys to successful homeschooling is nurturing a child’s natural love of learning, and I can think of no better way to do that than to introduce them to the wonder of books.  The best way to do that is to read to them, and to do it often.  My husband was rather amazed at first by how often I pulled out books for Ian when he was a baby.  He hadn’t grown up reading a lot or loving books the way most of my family did.  It didn’t take long, however, for him to see how much Ian loved them.  Eric quickly caught on to the fact that books were a great way to grab some quality time with our children.  And now not a day goes by that he doesn’t read to each and every one of them.  (Well, our 4-month old probably doesn’t get it every day, but the other three do, and I’ve seen Nicholas getting his share of book time with Daddy as well.)  P1020429Every night as the boys head to bed, they go browsing through our library looking for a story for Daddy to read to them and books to look at in bed until they fall asleep.  Consequently their beds regularly look like mini-libraries.  I don’t know how they manage to sleep like that but they do, and I’m so glad they share my love of books that I don’t make an issue of it.  All three of our older children love books, and if all we do for schoolwork some days is read aloud, I still consider it a successful day.

Many people rely on libraries to supply books for their homeschool, but, while I do utilize our local library at times, personally I love having books at close range to grab when my children ask a question.  The other night the house was all abuzz after I had seen a mouse scurry across our kitchen.  (A first for me.  Don’t get me started.)  As Eric and I were trying to figure out where it had gone and where to set traps, I heard Ian calling from the school room, “What do you call a mouse?”  At first I was completely baffled as to what he was getting at with that question, but then I saw that he searching the section of our bookshelves with animal books, particularly the About _____” series by Cathryn and John Sill .  “Oh!  They’re called rodents.  Do you see a book on that?”  He immediately found About Rodents and proceeded to curl up on the couch and read the entire thing out loud.  He was just disappointed it didn’t have more information in it.  It’s a great introductory series, but it’s not the place to go when you have lots of questions.  Still, I love that he remembered those books (we’ve pulled them out several times, including when we read The Salamander Room and The Grouchy Ladybug) and knew right where to go when he wanted to find out more about an animal.

He goes to our shelves frequently to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, and I love that we can structure our school day around his interests.  I often say that I homeschooled myself as a child in the hours when I wasn’t in a public school classroom.  I just always loved to learn, and I was continually picking a subject and devouring books on it to educate myself.  When I met several homeschool families as a teenager, I was so jealous that they got to do that same thing and call it their schoolwork, while I had to do both. What a blessing that my children can enjoy such freedom in their education!

I can’t imagine trying to homeschool without books.  Thank goodness for my husband, who accepts my walls of books without complaint!  And thank goodness for local libraries, for when I get a chance to plan ahead and want to supplement our studies without breaking our budget!

In case you missed them, here are links to my other posts in this series so far:

Essential #1: God’s Guidance

Essential #2: My Husband

Click on the picture below to see what the rest of Crew is blogging about this week! 

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials

Or if that list is too daunting, get started with these blogs:

Marcy @Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Tess @ Circling Through This Life

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials, #2: My Husband

(This week several members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew will be giving everyone a glimpse into their daily lives by sharing “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials.”)

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After “#1: God’s Guidance,” the next most important thing I would consider essential to our homeschooling success is, without a doubt, my husband Eric.  He is my greatest source of support and encouragement, and it would be so hard to face the challenges of homeschooling without him by my side.

Eric is one of the most hard-working guys I know.  He puts in more than 10 hours a day Monday through Friday (and often Saturdays too) at a physically demanding job, then comes home and assumes the title of “Dad” with gusto.  Even on the days when he’s completely exhausted, he always seems able to muster up enough energy for a game of Candyland with Elijah, one more time through Arianna’s current favorite book, and a few minutes to admire Ian’s latest creative endeavor.

I honestly don’t know how he does it, but I’m so thankful for my husband’s diligence.  His long days at work make my days at home possible.   We may not have the fancy house, expensive gadgets, or other nice things we could afford if both of us worked, but he cares more about providing our children with the things that really matter and is willing to sacrifice such luxuries.

Eric’s contribution to our homeschool is not merely financial, however.  He never considered homeschooling before I mentioned it (he grew up in private Christian schools and figured we’d follow suit), but he trusts me and has seen how it has benefited our family even just in the preschool years.  Now he is my greatest cheerleader, wholeheartedly embracing the homeschool lifestyle and helping in every way he can.  He leads our family Bible time each evening, reads to the kids before bed every night, and teaches our boys about things I know nothing about like electricity, engines, and other modern mysteries.  Often when he works on Saturdays he takes the boys with him, providing them with a learning experience no classroom could offer.

There are many wonderful resources out there to help homeschool moms do their job well, but all those things pale in comparison to what a supportive husband brings to our homeschool experience.  Eric is, in one word, essential.

Come back every day this week to see what other things made my top 5 list, and click on the picture below to see what the rest of Crew is blogging about this week! 

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials

Or if that list is too daunting, here are some suggestions to get you started:

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Tess @ Circling Through This Life

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials, #1: God’s Guidance

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials This week several members of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew will be giving everyone a glimpse into their daily lives by sharing “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials.”   I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone chooses to write about, as well as sharing my own “top 5” with you.

It didn’t take long to figure out my choice for the #1 position.  As I’ve been focusing on my “word for 2014” (Pray), I’ve realized how essential God’s guidance is to every part of my life, including (perhaps especially) homeschooling.  In fact, it’s making me marvel that I’ve survived this long without spending more time in prayer.

Psalm 127:1 says “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”  I cannot imagine a more monumental building project than homeschooling one’s children.  With God’s help we are molding and shaping their lives, investing years in guiding them and helping to fashion them into the people He has called them to be.

All parents face countless decisions that will affect their children’s journey to adulthood, and homeschooling just multiplies that responsibility.  I’m learning that bringing those decisions before the Lord and listening for His direction brings such peace, even in the midst of situations that feel less than peaceful.

For example, a while back I was spending some time praying for Ian and seeking the Lord as to how to best meet his needs.  We seem to be going through a stage of continual testing, and he is constantly crashing into the boundaries we set for him.  It has been wearing me out, and I was starting to wonder if I needed to make some changes in what I expect of him and how I discipline him.  When I took it to the Lord, he reminded me that boundaries are a good thing.  It’s like driving a car on the “Autopia” attraction at Disneyland.  When you start to go off track, you get jerked back by the guiding rail.  It’s not a smooth ride, but the rail serves an important purpose.  The boundaries we set for our children help keep them on the right course.  It may not be a smooth ride, but it’s a really good thing they’re there.  Thank you, Lord, for this reminder.  It gave me great peace, which I would not have found if I hadn’t spent time seeking Him for wisdom about how to parent Ian.

We face those moments with all our children, wondering what is the best course of action.  Homeschooling brings a whole other set of questions.  What curriculum should we use?  Which books should we read? What subjects are important for this particular child?  At what age do we want to start doing _____?  Should we sign up for this class or activity?  The questions are endless.  I tend to be quick to make decisions, and usually my instincts serve me well.  There have been many times, however, when I’ve been quick to jump into something that sounds “good”according to my wisdom, but later I find myself wishing I’d taken more time to pray about whether it was really what was “best” for our family.  As I focus on prayer this year, I want to bring all these types of questions before God rather than just rushing into things based on my own thinking.  I find myself longing for the words of Isaiah 30:21:

“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”

It is far too easy for me to run ahead on my own, without pausing to listen for God’s guidance.  But I am learning that in homeschooling (as in the rest of my life), things always go better when I wait to hear that word behind me.

Check back throughout the week to see what other things made my top 5 list of homeschooling essentials!

To see what the rest of Crew is blogging about this week, click on the picture above or just get started with these blogs:

Marcy @ Ben and Me

Lisa @ Golden Grasses

Tess @ Circling Through This Life

Victoria @ Homemaking with Heart

Kayla @ The Arrowood Zoo

Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool

Beth @ Ozark Ramblings

Rebecca @ Raventhreads

Coming Up Next Week…

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is how different it looks in every family, sometimes even with every child.  Everyone has their own perspective on what’s essential based on the age of their kids, their learning styles, and personal preference.  Next week some members of The Old School House Review Crew will be posting “5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials,” and while I’m sure many of us will have things in common, I’m anticipating a great deal of variety as well.  Our family has found a groove that works for us for the moment,  but I don’t want it to deepen into a rut that we can’t find our way out of, so I’m looking forward to reading what the others choose to write about.  I always enjoy gathering inspiration and learning from what others are doing.  (And I imagine you’re the same way, or you probably wouldn’t be visiting my blog!)

Come back every day next week to see the top 5 essentials at His Treasure Seekers, and then click on the picture below to find links to the rest of the Crew’s posts!

(Link will be live Monday, 1/20)

5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

While the “polar vortex” froze most of the country, here in southern California we were relying on our imaginations and immersing ourselves in snowy stories to feel like it was truly winter.  Our first Five in a Row book of 2014 was Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, a picture book of the poem by Robert Frost illustrated by Susan Jeffers. (The most recent edition has updated illustrations, but we have the original version, pictured above.)  It’s a lighter unit than most of rows (intended as a review week), so it was the perfect choice to ease our way back into school.  We did a few of the lessons from the FIAR (Vol. 1) manual, as well as a number of activities about snowflakes and crystals.  We also watched several videos related to snow, including Bill Nye the Science Guy (both Earth’s Seasons and Climates) and Reading Rainbow: Snowy Day Poems

We read two books that went along well with our “snowflake” theme.  The first, The Tiny Snowflake by Art Ginolfi was one I came across as I was looking for Christmas book suggestions, but since it had nothing to do with Christ’s birth, I decided to save it for January, and this was the perfect time to pull it out.  It’s about a little snowflake who learns that God made all snowflakes unique.  We have the board book format, and Arianna has asked for the story repeatedly, so it was fun to be able to include her in our school time.  This book also prompted our morning Bible reading.  I loved reading through Psalm 139 with Ian every day throughout the week and talking about what it means to be “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

We also read Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin (which we will hopefully cover in more depth someday using FIAR Vol. 4).  It tells the story of William Bentley, who is famous for his work photographing snowflakes.  You can find many of his photographs online, and we enjoyed looking at the variety of the snow crystals.  After seeing how amazing real snowflakes are, we decided to make some of our own.

The boys really enjoyed making paper snowflakes.  We used coffee filters, which made it easy to get to the fun part.  I love that even the simple cuts the Elijah was able to do made beautiful art.  They had a lot of fun playing with them and watching them float through the air.  Then we hung them on the kids’ bedroom windows for a winter decoration.

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Making the snowflakes led to a discussion of how crystals have six sides.  I got out my geode collection and let the kids examine the crystals, which fascinated them.

crystals2   crystals

Finally, we made our own “crystal snowflakes” using pipe cleaners and borax solution.  I wasn’t very good at following the directions because I wanted to make a whole bunch at one time.  So I didn’t measure either the water or the borax; as it dissolved I just kept adding more powder, vaguely recalling something from high school chemistry about making a super-saturated solution.

borax1   borax2

Evidently that wasn’t quite what we were going for, because our crystals looked like they were on steroids compared to all the pictures I’ve seen from people who’ve done this activity.  Luckily it still worked, and the kids were thrilled with how they turned out.

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(We also had a lovely crystal garden on the bottom of the pan which broke into pieces as I tried to get it out of the pan, and the kids thought the chunks were wonderful treasures to share with their friends.)

Last but not least, we ate snowflakes made from tortillas.  I preheated the oven to 400, warmed up the tortillas in the microwave so they would fold easily, cut the patterns, sprayed both sides with coconut oil and popped them in the oven for 5 minutes.  (The kids were all occupied and I wanted to surprise them.  They’d had a hard enough time cutting the paper, I didn’t feel it necessary to include them in this step.)  Then I sprinkled them with powdered sugar and they were quickly devoured!


All in all it was a great week of playing with snow!  Since we live in a place where we never get the real thing, we’ve had to make a special effort to expose our kids to it.  In the past we’ve taken a day trip up into the mountains for some snow play.  This year it’s been so warm I doubt there’s much up there, so books and movies are the only way we’re going to have any snow fun.  If you’re in the same boat and looking for more fun ideas to go along with snowy stories, check out my posts on The Snowy Day, Katy and the Big Snow, and Very Last First Time.

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.

Kindergarten Our Way (Take 2)


Looking back on the first half Ian’s Kindergarten year I’d say I’m surprised by how many surprises there were.  Things I thought would come easily ended up being struggles.  Other things I thought I’d have to push through ended up being Ian’s favorites that he begged for more of.  I learned a lot about how much time different activities/readings take, how to break things up, which subjects we need to do in a particular order… There was a lot of fine tuning that went on throughout this season as we found what worked for us. And now I’m considering changing everything we’re doing.

Well, maybe not everything, but a lot.

Perhaps I should have said “Take 5” in the title, for this post has been rewritten several times as I’ve attempted to find our new groove.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I was starting to feel overwhelmed by the number things I want to include in our school plans and have been trying to sift through the myriad options to find the real gems that I just couldn’t bear to miss.  (The picture above shows most of what made that short list.)  So as we started up school again after a lovely, long holiday break I’ve been reconsidering my initial plan for this year (see “Kindergarten Our Way“) as well as the general structure of our day.

My plan was to go through a “Year 0.5” in the style of Ambleside Online‘s curriculum to provide us with a some structure and help us get accustomed to that type of schedule.  In many ways, it’s been a good experience so far.  We read lots of different types of stories on lots of different subjects.  I created a weekly schedule (HTS Kindergarten Chart) that made it easy to keep track of which readings I wanted to get through.  Ian enjoyed the variety of our readings, and I enjoyed discovering books I’d never been exposed to and might never have read if I weren’t putting together a curriculum like this.

However, I also tried to throw in Five in a Row books at least once a month until our days were so full with other things I lost that desire.  And that’s a shame, because I love FIAR (and so does Ian).  Add to all this that as part of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew for the coming year I’ll be incorporating various products for review into our school days, and I had to face the fact that I needed to make some changes or we were going to be overwhelmed and on our way to burning out (which seems just slightly ridiculous seeing as how we’re only in KINDERGARTEN).

So for now I’m going back to using Five in a Row as our core for every subject except Bible and Spanish (as well as helping Ian explore whatever topics he’s interested in at the moment and things I’ll be reviewing for the Crew).  That means I’m dropping most of our “0.5” readings from the schedule of what I expect to do and putting them a category of “extra reading” that I can go to when I’m looking for a good read-aloud.  I’m also dropping our Exploring Creation With Astronomy for now because, while the subject still interests Ian, he just wasn’t enjoying the book nearly as much as I expected given the reviews I’d read, even by people using it in Kindergarten.  (We’ll probably give it another shot in a few years.)  And I’ve decided to put off wonderful Charlotte Mason subjects like artist study, hymn study, etc. until the majority of my children are old enough to participate, because the little ones don’t need one more thing taking me away from them during our school hours.  (We’ll probably keep up with some sort of composer study since I can include all but the baby to some extent.)

The biggest change I’m making as far as content is taking a break from MEP as our main math curriculum.  I still love it and do plan on coming back to it, but it’s started becoming frustrating for Ian and therefore frustrating for me because I can’t figure out why he doesn’t get the same thrill out of it that I do.  (I’m still reminding myself that he’s Not Mini-Me.)  We finished Lesson 98 of Year 1 and while he seemed to be understanding most of the concepts, it was pulling teeth to get answers out of him.  By contrast, Elijah has been asking to do math and I was letting him start at the beginning of Year 1.  Ian consistently wanted to do what Elijah was working on so I started printing out a second copy of the practice book pages for him.  What a difference in his attitude as he zipped through Lessons 3 and 4!  I’m hoping a few months of maturing will help him have a similar outlook when we come back and take up where we’ve left off.

I started looking around for alternatives to use in the meantime.  What I really wanted was a math equivalent to Reading Eggs. [Edited to remove link because I no longer recommend this program. See “Good-bye, Reading Eggs.”] (Actually, they do have Mathseeds, but it’s geared more toward preschoolers and looks too easy for both boys so I’m just not willing to buy a subscription.)  Ian and I had a similar level of frustration when he was learning to read, where our different learning styles were causing a lot of tension.  Reading Eggs was a perfect fit for him and took the pressure of our relationship, so I would love to find a thorough, systematic math program Ian could work through independently on the computer.  I remembered the Easy Peasy All-In-One Homeschool site and checked out the Kindergarten level math, but it was also all things Ian already knew.  That was when it dawned on me that maybe we could just take a break from a math curriculum altogether.  I want to make sure he can find joy in math, and I’d gotten dangerously close to killing that by continuing to plow through MEP when it started becoming a challenge.

So my solution (for now) is that I am leaving math as an open spot on our schedule.  Ian often does math games on various websites (ABCya, Clever Dragons, and More Starfall are probably his favorites), and I’ll just write those into my lesson plan so I can have a record of what he’s done.  We’ll probably also read from Life of Fred: Apples occasionally since I borrowed it from a friend and Ian enjoys it.

P1020416The other major change I’ve made is just the structure of our day.  We’ve spent way too much time sitting at the table.  I knew it wasn’t the best way to go, but I was afraid that if I let him go before we’d gotten everything done I’d have to keep dragging him back.  Over the break, however, I’ve been really intentional about giving everyone lots of time for creative play.  Ian has really enjoyed listening to me read while they all play in the living room, I’ve realized that much of our school time could look much the same way.  Also, I’d like to include Elijah more, and I think that will be easier if we’re sitting on the couch rather than sitting at the school table, which we only really need to do for work that involves writing.  So rather than thinking in terms of which subjects we’re going to get through, I want to think more in terms of “couch time,” “listening play time,” “table time,” etc.

So for the second half of the year, these are my goals:

  • Consider Bible and Five in a Row a full school day. (Ian’s already a good reader so I’m not at all worried about any sort of reading instruction.)  Anything else is just extra.  It’s great when we get to it, but not necessary.
  • Spend as little time at the table as possible
  • Schedule breaks and make sure everyone gets outside for some time each morning.

And for illustration purposes, here’s an updated version of the picture above.  It makes me sigh with relief just looking at it.  If Ian were an only child, we probably would have stayed with most of my original plan, but with lots of needy little people sharing our life, simplicity needs to win out.


My Word for 2014: Pray!

Over the past few years it’s become popular for bloggers (and others?) to choose a single word to represent their focus in the coming year.  I never felt inclined to jump on the bandwagon until some of the Schoolhouse Review Crew were getting ready to share about their “Word for 2014,” and I felt a gentle nudge that I’ve learned not to ignore.


Such a simple little word, yet such a challenge for me.  Years ago I remembering telling a friend that I hoped prayer would be a definitive part of my life.

“I want to be a woman of prayer,” I passionately declared.

“Then do it,” he wisely replied.

That’s all it takes, isn’t it?  Doing it.  But despite my desire I did not do it, at least not to the extent I would have liked.  And as the years have passed, I’ve often remembered that conversation, but still never moved in the right direction.

I’m hoping to change that in 2014.  Lately I’ve been more and more aware of many areas in which I fall short.  I need the Lord’s help in so many ways, and yet I’ve spent more time worrying about my weakness than I have turning to Him in prayer.  I want Him to be a part of every aspect of my life:

  • help to be more patient
  • the words to speak in certain situations
  • wisdom in dealing with my children
  • understanding the unique way each of my children is designed
  • decisions about school
  • what activities to get involved in
  • how to disciple our children more effectively
  • praying for my children (especially some of the topics from the books The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian)

These are just a few of the things I want to be praying about more and listening for His guidance.

I also want to be a better model for my children when it comes to prayer.  Whenever I do pray throughout the day my children have no idea what’s going on apart from formal “scheduled” prayers.  I want to not just pray, but to pray out loud.  If I want them to see what it looks like to trust God and seek Him in every part of our lives, I need to be more transparent and let them into my spiritual life.  So in 2014, this word will be posted around our house, impressed upon my heart, and hopefully become a more consistent part of my day.

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thes 5:17

Word for 2014

Battling “the Wants” by Focusing on Advent


Growing up I always felt like Christmas was a magical time, and as an adult I strove to recreate that feeling to no avail.  What I finally realized this year was that the feeling I felt as a child was almost entirely about the Christmas morning gift orgy.  Our one Christ-related tradition was attending Mass at my father’s church on Christmas Eve (the one time of year we ever went), and for me even that was about presents, since I was allowed to open one gift that night if I behaved well in church.  I saw that hour as a trial I had to endure to reach my goal of presents.  My childhood mindset was:

 Christmas = Present Day.

Can anyone relate?

This was the first in many years that I was again overwhelmed with a sense of wonder.  I think the main difference was that we chose to focus on Advent rather than Christmas.  As a child, the only thing I knew about Advent was that my aunt sent us an “Advent calendar” every year, which for me was essentially a countdown until Present Day.  I opened each door with increasing anticipation, knowing I was one day closer to the bliss of satisfying my rather serious case of ” the wants.”

Very little of our celebration this year was about presents on December 25th.  Instead we used the 4 weeks prior to Christmas to celebrate the turning point of human history.  We immersed our family in the story of Christ’s birth, beginning with the promise God made back in Genesis 3:15 about Eve’s seed bruising the head of the serpent.  We talked about blessing others and showing love, just as God showed us His love by sending Jesus.  Our whole family went caroling in two retirement homes and spent time just chatting with several residents afterward.  We had fun making spice dough ornaments and candy cane reindeer and giving them away to special friends and relatives.  We talked about various Christmas traditions and how they point us toward God and remind us of the Christmas story.

Our nightly family “Bible Time” around the Advent wreath became everyone’s favorite part of each day.  The boys took turns helping light the appropriate candles and blowing them out after we sang together.  Ian’s favorite song this season was “O Come O Come Emmanuel and he requested it every night, even when it wasn’t the song suggested in our devotional book (We Light The Candles by Catharine Brandt).  On Christmas Eve after the candlelight service at church, our extended family joined us for dinner and our final night with the Advent wreath.  The boys were so excited about finally lighting the Christ candle in the middle!  We read Song of the Stars by Sally Lloyd-Jones, which portrays the excitement of all Creation at the wonder that “the one who made us has come to live with us.”  The angel choir proclaims, “It’s time!  He’s come!  At last!  He’s here!”  It’s a wonderful book that captures the essence of Christmas as the climax of Advent, and it was the perfect way to end our season.

The result of all of this celebration is that we spent very little time talking about gifts.  Last year Ian was constantly poring through the numerous catalogs that kept arriving in the mail, which really captured his heart and caused him to focus on his “wants.”  I was so tired of hearing “I want ___,” “Can we get ___ sometime?” and so on that I finally threw all the catalogs away.  This year when they started arriving months ago I looked through them on my own for gift ideas and then got them out of the house.  I bought most of our gifts months in advance so I too would be able to focus on the wonder of Christ’s Incarnation rather than Present Day.  I know some people like to wrap up everything from toothbrushes to socks to make Christmas morning a little more exciting, but I felt that was counter to what we were trying to accomplish.  So I didn’t stuff stockings with everyday items I would have bought for my kids anyway, because that felt like it would make Christmas morning all about unwrapping presents.  (We did plenty of gift opening, but it almost felt like an addendum to a wonderful season of celebration, rather than being the main event.)  At our cousins’ house we read the Christmas story from Luke 2 before having our meal and progressing to gift-opening.  There was just so much more to Christmas than Present Day!

My dad’s birthday is on the 25th, so as we were about to dive into our breakfast someone asked if we were going to sing happy birthday.  My dad pretended to look surprised and said, “Whose birthday is it?  Jesus’?  Well, did you sing happy birthday to Jesus?”  To which Elijah promptly answered very seriously, “Yes, we did,” remembering the “Happy Birthday, Jesus” party with our homeschool group two weeks ago.  It had been just one more part of our month-long celebration, and I loved that Elijah knew it was all connected.

All in all, we had a wonderful Advent and Christmas.  I am so thankful that my children were able to enjoy the true wonder of the season by setting aside their “wants” and marveling in the miracle of Christ’s birth.  I’m already full of ideas for next year, and I hope we can continue to make Advent a meaningful part of our family tradition.




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