Paul Revere’s Ride

We recently spent a week with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s classic poem Paul Revere’s Ride in a book illustrated by Ted Rand.  It’s one of the Five in a Row titles I’ve been saving until Ian was a little older, but it fit in with our artist study (a portrait of Paul Revere by John Singleton Copley) so I decided to give it a shot.  We immersed ourselves in the early days of the American Revolution, and while we didn’t do a whole lot of activities outside of the Five in a Row manual (Vol. 3), I did come across several audio and video resources that I thought I’d share. Audio:

  • Ian enjoyed the drama of a radio show called “Listen My Children” from Homeschool Radio Shows.  (It also has a PDF Listening and Discussion Guide, but we didn’t use it.)
  • The Adventures in Odyssey episode #197 “Midnight Ride” was great for the end of the week.  It discussed some of the inaccuracies in Longfellow’s account and told more of the story.  It helped to be familiar with the poem first, which is why I’d recommend it for at least a few days into rowing this book.


  • I gave Ian a quick introduction to the reasons behind Paul Revere’s famous ride by watching an old Schoolhouse Rock clip called “No More Kings.” (There’s also another Revolutionary War clip called “The Shot Heard Round the World,” but he didn’t understand that one very well, and since it happened after Paul Revere’s ride, I didn’t spend much time trying to explain it.)
  • The boys both really enjoyed “The Flame Returns” from an episode of Animaniacs, which was basically an animated reading of the poem. (Warner Bros. has since had this clip removed from YouTube.)  Even now, a couple of weeks later, they keep quoting their favorite part.
  • We spent lunchtime each day watching the show Liberty’s Kids, culminating with the fifth episode, “The Midnight Ride.”  (You can get the whole series of 40 episodes on DVD for only $8.25.  I jumped on it when it was on sale for even less because I knew we’d use it for homeschooling at some point.)
  • Finally, we watched “The Birth of a Revolution” from the Learn Our History series.  If you get any homeschool emails, you’ve probably been bombarded with offers about this series by Mike Huckabee.  We tried it just to get the free “One Nation Under God” DVD, but Ian liked it so much I decided to keep the subscription coming.  The animation is pretty cheesy by today’s standards, so I really didn’t think he’d be that into it, but he requests various DVDs from the series over and over.  They really do have good information about American History, so we’re going to keep getting the DVDs each month for now.

The only lesson from the manual that I wanted to share about was our art lesson.  We talked about the use of light in all the pictures, and looked at how the moon was reflected in the water in several of them.  I wasn’t going to attempt anything hands-on until I read Heather’s post at, in which she described her children’s experience with this lesson.  P1010687Ian wasn’t terribly excited about drawing his picture (though he did enjoy using the special oil pastels I broke out for the occasion).  He still finds drawing rather frustrating, and having me do a picture along side him didn’t help.  Sometimes it inspires him, but this time it just made him ask me to take over his picture because he couldn’t make it look the way he hoped.  Still, I kept encouraging him, and in the end he managed to capture the whole idea of the reflection (at least with the masts and the moonlight), so I considered it a success and praised him for his efforts.  I’m glad we ended up rowing this book now.  I love history, especially American history, so it was fun to start teaching Ian about the birth of our nation.

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.

One Year into Long Story Short

I’ve been feeling kind of bad that I haven’t posted anything about our Bible lessons in a long time.  It’s not that we haven’t been doing them, but rather that there hasn’t been much to write about.  We’re doing less “extras” and pretty much sticking to the book these days (though I have also been trying to be on top of having out the pieces for the flannel board set because all my children, especially Ian, really enjoy being able to play out the story through the week).

It’s been one year since we started using Long Story Short by Marty Machowski, and I’m still just as excited about this book as I was when we began.  It is so simple to use, and it has been such a great tool for Eric to lead us in family devotions every night.  It doesn’t require any preparation; we just sit down with LSS and the Bible and start reading.  Ian loves the fun little introductory stories. (This boy is all about fun).  Elijah loves the structure of each devotion. (He points out the little symbols frequently: “The book means we read; the hands mean we pray.”)  I love the way Machowski includes even lesser known stories (like our story this week about the bronze snake Moses made in the wilderness that provided a way for the people to be saved after God allowed poisonous snakes to plague the camp after yet another round of grumbling and complaining), and that he uses each one to point us toward Jesus.  I’m amazed at the theology my young children are able to discuss after the repeated exposure through this book (like Ian being able to describe what a “mediator” does).

There are 78 weeks’ worth of devotions in the book, but since we took a few weeks off for holidays (doing devotions specific to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) as well as losing a few weeks when we moved this spring (and couldn’t find the box with our book in it!), we’re now on Week 42 after starting last August.  I’m guessing we’ll finish up with the book sometime next year in late spring/early summer, and then we’re looking forward to going straight into its companion book, Old Story New.  It has another 78 stories so it should keep us going for almost another two years.  Then we might just start all over again, since everyone will be at a new level of understanding!

For now I’m continuing to use the weekly story as the basis for our homeschool Bible lessons, though after this year I might have Ian read through the Bible at a quicker pace, possibly following the Ambleside Online Bible reading schedule).  Here’s what we do each week (in addition to reading the selection from the ESV each night):

Monday: I have Ian read the story in an easy reader version.  Which book I use varies depending on which stories are included, but I usually look first in The Beginner’s Bible (the ORIGINAL version, by Karyn Henley, which is the easiest for him).  Other easy versions we have are the Day-By-Day Begin to Read Bible (also by Karyn Henley) and The Young Readers BibleIf the story we’re on isn’t in any of those, I can usually find it in the Day-By-Day Kid’s Bible (again, by Karyn Henley).

Tuesday: We get out the flannel board set.  I tell the story first, and then I have Ian tell it back to me using the board.  He usually does this several times on his own throughout the week.


Wednesday: We do our “listening lesson” (usually in the car), using the passage from the from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible (or the ESV audio drama) from Faith Comes By Hearing as well as any songs related to the week’s story (and our “hymn of the month”).  We usually listen to this more than once a week, but Wednesdays are park day with our co-op so I have a lighter workload scheduled and we’re guaranteed to be in the car.

Thursday: I read the week’s passage from the King James Version to help the children become familiar with the sound of the language. (Obviously we’re not KJV exclusivists, but I recommend reading the essay “Why the KJV?” on the Ambleside Online site for more on why it makes sense to include it in our homeschooling.)

Friday: We had gotten out of the habit of doing Bible Notebook pages, mostly because I was feeling low on creativity and some of the stories are more obscure so I didn’t have any luck finding other ideas out there.  So what I decided to do this year is have Ian create his own pages.  He draws a picture of part of the story (not one of his strengths, so this provides him with an opportunity for drawing at least once a week) and then comes up with a sentence to write about it.  It’s simple and doesn’t require any prep work on my part.  The only downside is that Elijah’s not quite ready for even just the drawing part of it, so he gets left out until I come up with some brilliant idea that can include him.


Just having this basic framework helps me to ensure that we’ll be in the Bible every day as part of our school time, as well as doing family devotions every night.

All that to say that Bible is still a big focus for us, but I probably won’t be posting much about it unless I come across some great resources that I want to make note of to go along with certain stories.

The Glorious Flight

The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen is one of those Five in a Row books I was unfamiliar with and not terribly motivated to pick up, but it turned out to be a wonderful “row,” and I’m glad it’s part of our family library.  I know it’s one Ian’s going to go back to time and again.  I have to confess, it’s one of the few times we’ve actually managed to re-read the book every single day.

We did several of the lessons in the Five in a Row manual (Vol. 1).  I love being able to just introduce ideas like Roman numerals.  I wrote out 1, 5, and 10 on a whiteboard, and then we talked about how to make the other numbers mentioned in the book.  He caught on more than I thought he was going to, which was great.  I know he probably won’t remember, but having this introduction will help the next time we touch on the subject.

The same was true of our GeoPuzzle of Europe.  Ian loves puzzles, and just mentioning the name of each country as we put it together will help him build familiarity.  (I love that the pieces are shaped like the countries so almost every one has its own piece.)  We talked about other stories we’ve read that are set in Europe, and he loved pointing out the things he knew.

We watched several fascinating videos about flight.  The one most related to the book was A Daring Flight from Nova, which went into much greater detail about Louis Bleriot’s determined attempts to build a flying machine in the years leading up to his flight across the English channel.  I highly recommend this one, especially for older rowers.  (Even at 5, however, Ian really enjoyed it.  We broke it into two segments and he did just fine with it.)  A more age appropriate recommendation is the Reading Rainbow episode “Bored – Nothing to Do!” about two boys who works to build an airplane. (We also liked the Reading Rainbow episode “Hot Air Henry,” which has clips of various flying machines that failed.  It cracked my boys up and they kept watching that part over and over!) We also liked the Bill Nye the Science Guy episode on “Flight” we found at the library.  I wasn’t sure if it would go over well with my crew or not since it said it was for grades 4 and up.  However, it seems to have been designed for kids with short attention spans, so Ian did fine with it and asked for “the next one.” I guess he thought it was like watching a series on Netflix.  (Elijah watched parts with us but said it was “too long.”)  Ian enjoyed it so much he watched it twice over two weeks, along with another DVD we borrowed: Eyewitness DVD: Flight.

Overall, this book made quite an impression on Ian.  The videos we watched really brought it to life for him, and he loved looking at old photographs of Papa Bleriot’s various planes.  We only talked a little about the Wright Brothers through the week, but he remembered them from the videos and was excited to see a model of one of their gliders when we visited the California Science Center‘s exhibit on flight at the end of our “row.”  And any time we come across a picture of a bi-plane, it’s a big deal now!  We finished out our study with a family movie trip to see Planes, and he loved pointing out things he’d learned about.  I know he’s going to have a great time when he gets to go along with Daddy to the small local airport where Daddy sometimes does some mechanical work!

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.

A Pair of Red Clogs

We had a fun week of learning as we rowed A Pair of Red Clogs by Masaka Matsuno.  I chose it because we’ve been reading The Japanese Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins, which Ian has really enjoyed, though I’ve had some reservations. (See my notes at the end of this post.)*

In keeping with one of the themes in the book, we spent quite a bit of time discussing honesty.  We read The Value of Honesty: The Story of Confucius by Spencer Johnson, as well as a poem called “The Boy Who Never Told a Lie” from The Book of Virtues (p.601) by William J. Bennett.  Our Bible memory verse for the week was Proverbs 12:22.  “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”


We discussed several of the lessons in the Five in a Row manual Vol. 1 throughout the week, and for the first time, we attempted the art lesson.  Art has not been one of Ian’s strengths, and I’ve held off on even attempting any of the lessons because he struggled even with basic coloring and drawing.  However, I have intentionally made art instruction a part of our Kindergarten “curriculum” this year, and on the weeks that we include a FIAR book, I want to try to do the art lessons.  The one for A Pair of Red Clogs was pretty simple, and Ian and I were both quite pleased with the way his picture turned out.


We spent a lot of time this week learning about Japan.  Both boys enjoyed playing a memory matching game using the continent cards  I made from part of the Grandfather’s Journey lapbook on HomeSchoolShare.  (Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say, also set in Japan, is another book used in FIAR Vol. 1P1010595but Ian was really resistant to the story for some reason, and I didn’t want to push a book he wasn’t interested in.  He did, however, enjoy reading Tree of Cranes, also by Allen Say.  I made an origami crane and all three kids were fascinated by it.)  The boys also put together our GeoPuzzle of Asia. (I bought the complete set last year when they were on sale at, but it’s the first time we’ve gotten one out.) We watched Big Bird in Japan on YouTube, and then later in the week we watched two episodes of 19 Kids and Counting: Duggars Do Asia.  Both boys really enjoyed watching the Duggars explore Tokyo (available free on iTunes under Volume 8) and Kyoto.  These shows provided a fascinating look at some of the unique aspects of Japanese culture.

They also reminded me of our international coin collection, and P1010569I went digging through the coins to see if I could find some Japanese yen (which I identified with help from Wikipedia).  All three kids LOVE playing with coins, and we were able to look at how the numbers are the same as our numbers whereas the characters are very different from our letters.  I used that as an opportunity to go to a website that translates your name into Japanese katakana characters.  Ian thought it was so interesting, we ended up looking up the names of everyone in our family, our cousins, and the neighbors.

The one thing we didn’t do that I had wanted to was a science activity about making rain that I found on another blog.  Maybe someday we’ll get around to this one, because I think it’s a great way of teaching about the water cycle.  Still, we had a pretty full week, and everyone learned a lot and had fun doing it, so I’d say it was a successful row!

The Japanese Twins depicts the traditional Japanese view of women and girls.  I was pretty uncomfortable reading the chapter where the father tells the little girl she must obey her baby brother and tells her to bow down while he puts the baby’s foot on her neck to show his authority over her.  It gave us an opportunity for discussion, I suppose, as did the chapter where they went to the temple and worshiped a goddess.  When I started to ask Ian about that one, he pretty much led the discussion.  Having just studied the 10 Commandments, he had a frame of reference, so it wasn’t a big deal.

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.

Kindergarten Our Way

P1010509bThis year we “officially” start our homeschool journey as Ian begins Kindergarten.  We’re joining a local co-op, and it’s odd feeling like a rookie when in some ways we’ve been at this for a couple years.  Yet there’s definitely a difference now that he’s old enough to be in school. For the past few years we did school how we wanted, when we wanted, and if we wanted to skip it altogether, who cared? Whereas now there are expectations.  Still, I’m excited about this new season.  I love the pride I hear in his voice when he tells people he’s in Kindergarten.  For the last few years when people would ask him if he goes to preschool he would quietly answer, “We homeschool,” and I could tell he felt like it just didn’t count, even though most of our friends homeschool.  This “Kindergarten” label makes him feel like he has joined the ranks of all the big kids in his life.

If anyone were to glance at our lesson plans, however, they would probably be a bit surprised, as they look rather different from what most people think of as Kindergarten.  I’m not a big fan of traditional curriculum.  Philosophically I tend to lean more toward a Charlotte Mason approach of using living books and narration (though I’m not a diehard CM follower who quotes her books chapter and verse).  Also, I can’t follow a curriculum to save my life.  I’m constantly tweaking and adapting things to suit our needs, and so I just couldn’t justify spending a lot of money on a well thought out curriculum that’s only going to really be used as a reference.  I’m about 80% sure that I’m going to use Ambleside Online as our core starting in 1st grade.  (My only hesitancy is that I’m considering putting together our own 4-year history cycle rather than AO’s 6-year cycle and doing that subject all together as a family.)  So I wanted to model our Kindergarten plans after what we’ll be doing once we start AO’s Year 1 next year.

The wonderful advisory board at AO has provided a list of quality books to use before children start Year 1 (they call it Year 0), but that wasn’t going to suit our needs for Kindergarten for a few reasons.  First and foremost, we’ve already read most of them many times over the last few years.  Not that it’s bad to repeat quality literature, but it really wouldn’t help Ian feel like he had had moved on to the next stage of life if we just kept reading the same stories.  Also, he’ll be turning 6 mid-year, and I feel like he’s ready to handle a little more structure.  So we’ll be doing what many refer to as a “Year 0.5,” which I’ve tried to design to be similar to Year 1 as far as subject matter, lesson length, and frequency.  (There’s no official list for Year 0.5, but many families have put together similar plans and posted them.

We started school this past week.  (Many schools in our area are year-round and begin in July. Plus I plan to take at least a month off after our baby arrives in September and I wanted to establish some habits before then.)  I was surprised at how smoothly our transition went.  We haven’t done any math since before we moved (months ago!), and even then we usually only did one or two lessons a week.  We’ve also been working on learning to form letters, but only doing it about once a week.  So it was a bit of a shift for Ian being asked to do these things every day (except Wednesday, when we go to the park with other families from our co-op).  By the third day, however, he didn’t question it at all, just sat down and did it.  He even seemed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment he got when he’d completed his work.  Most of what we do, however, is reading aloud.  I’m starting to introduce him to Charlotte Mason’s method of narration, but not pressuring him on it.  After he turns six I’ll probably start to ask a little more of him.  For right now I’m just asking him to tell the story back to me when we’ve done a reading that seems fairly straightforward (and prompting him more than Charlotte Mason purists would approve).

To help me keep straight what I want to accomplish through the week, I wrote up a chart listing the subjects and what I want to do for each day.  I check them off as we go, and often we’re not done until dinnertime because we don’t ever sit down to get it all done in one chunk.  I try to let him play through as much of the day as possible, but if he asks to watch a show or seems to need something to do, then I offer to read to him or have him sit down to do his copywork or engage in a math activity.  The chart will be a work in progress (I already tweaked it a few times as we went through the week), but I think it’s going to be a good way for me to keep organized.  Here’s a picture of my marked up copy from this week, and here’s the actual document (HTS Kindergarten Chart updated) if you want to create something similar to use for your own family without starting from scratch.


My plan is to keep these marked up charts for my records.  Across the top I’ll be keeping an ongoing count of how many days we’ve “done” school.  I’m not legally required to keep any records this year since Kindergarten isn’t mandatory in our state, but I want to have an idea of how we match up with the legal requirements so I’ll know if I need to make any changes for next year.

If you’re interested in what resources we’re using this year, I’ve listed them by subject below.  Many of the books I chose are part of the Yesterday’s Classics e-book package (225 books for $99.95, but often on sale for $49.95), but many others are available free for Kindle.  Here’s our (slightly daunting) list of books and other resources (edited over Christmas break):


Copywork: finish learning letters.  Start Bible verses.

Writing: (Start 2nd term) Journal pages (color a picture, write a sentence about it). Relate to other parts of curriculum, field trips if he can’t think of what to write about.

Reading Instruction:

Math: MEP Year 1, Miquon (see this post for more)

Science/Technology/Nature Study:


  • Classics: Fairy Tales (from Andrew Lang’s color books–not Red and Blue since they’re in AO-Year 1, recommended Uncle Remus stories)
  • Poetry: The Rooster Crows; Mother Goose; A Child’s Own Book of Verse, Book Two (After starting Book One, I realized most of it consists of nursery rhymes and traditional verses that were included in the other books we were using, whereas Book Two has longer, less familiar poems.)
  • “Free Reads”:


Fine Arts:

  • Music Appreciation (Ambleside Online: 1 folk song, hymn each term)
  • Piano Instruction: finish Yamaha Junior Music Course, then either the next Yamaha course or private lessons at home with mom
  • Composer Study (AO schedule: 1 each term)
  • Art Instruction: Five in a Row lessons, finish My First Book of Drawing from Kumon, start ARTistic Pursuits K-3 Book One The Way They See It – ARTistic Pursuits Preschool.  (I have been eyeing the books from ARTistic Pursuits for a couple years, but Ian is so artistically challenged I hesitated to even buy the preschool book up until now.  I thought we’d be okay jumping in with the K-3 series, but after looking through it I decided to save it for later and go ahead with the preschool book so we can hopefully include Elijah as well,.)
  • Artist Study (AO schedule: 1 each term)

Foreign Language (start 2nd term): Salsa Spanish (3 weeks per episode) Unit 1 (Episodes 101-106) (lesson plan materials from Wyoming Department of Education)

Physical Education: Family Time Fitness

It sounds like a TON of work for a Kindergartener, I know, but it’s actually not that bad.  Most of it just means being intentional about what I choose to read aloud (and there’s still plenty of time to read his choices as well–right now he’s really into The Littles series by John Peterson, currently on Book 3).  There are a lot of books listed here, but most of them we’re only reading a couple pages from each week.  (He often wanted to keep going, but with the exception of The Japanese Twins I didn’t give in.  I’d like to keep him wanting more!)  Also, many are available as free audiobooks (, and Ian often requests them in the car or at bedtime (especially fairy tales).

And just as a final note, this is NOT a plan I will be attempting to follow with my younger children when they’re in Kindergarten.  They can listen in on things like science, history and literature and won’t need their own books assigned for those.  It’s just that as the oldest Ian doesn’t get a chance to benefit from hearing older siblings’ lessons, so this is my way of exposing him to things he wouldn’t have a chance to catch otherwise.  I’m not chained to this “curriculum” I’ve put together.  We’ll be flexible.  Some we’ll get to; some we won’t.  I’m not overly concerned with what Ian achieves academically at this point in his life.  But if I didn’t have some sort of plan we wouldn’t be accomplishing much of anything, so at least this gives me something to look at, something to shoot for.

Happy Back-to-School!

Homeschool P.E. (Family Time Fitness)


Ian at 19 months

Okay, so just typing that title gets all sorts of thoughts running through my head.  Let’s face it, I am not the poster child for physical fitness.  However, I know how important it is for kids, especially for my active boys (though I’m sure as Arianna gets a little older it will become equally important for her).  Ian in particular has always been quick to catch onto physical skills and eager to master them.  So as I started looking at all the books and curriculum I had chosen for Ian’s Kindergarten year and writing up a weekly schedule of how I want to fit it all in, I really felt like I needed to include time for Physical Education.  P.E. was my nemesis all through school.  It was the one subject I struggled to keep an A in, and that drove this little perfectionist crazy.  So whereas most of the subjects I plan for our school bring me absolute delight, this was one I just didn’t know how I was going to teach properly.

And I do think there’s something to be taught.  It’s so easy to pass off general physical activity as “P.E.”  There are a lot of reasons I don’t want to enroll my little ones in organized sports (at least at this point in time), which left me feeling rather lost.  I searched online for a list of skills I could use (skipping, galloping, balancing, throwing a ball, etc.) and maybe develop lessons around, though it seemed like a lot of work to put together anything of value.  Then I remembered that when I taught 2nd grade a few years ago, one of my colleagues had found a wonderful P.E. curriculum that taught basic physical skills and had fun activities.  (I think it was Ready-to-Use P.E. Activities for Grades K-2).  It was so helpful in providing actual lessons that were well thought out and fun for the students.  I considered purchasing it for our homeschool, but I was afraid too many activities would be geared toward larger groups of children.

Fitness 4 Homeschool Logo

Then I stumbled upon Family Time Fitness.  They have a program designed specifically for homeschool families.  They had a bunch of wonderful reviews on their website, but I wanted some more objective opinions.  I did a little research, reading reviews from families that had used it and blogged about it.  Everyone was so positive about this program that I decided to give it a try.  I loved that people said it worked for a wide range of ages in their family (and that it helped mom get in shape too, which I’m going to need after this baby arrives!)  I also liked that it’s a one-time cost of $57 per family rather than something I have to renew or purchase for each child.

I almost bought the Fitness 4 Home School Physical Education Core 1 immediately, but I decided to see if I could find a discount anywhere.  Sure enough, the Homeschool Buyers Co-op was just opening a “group buy” on the curriculum.  Woohoo!  I considered just purchasing at the current discounted price ($47), but then I convinced myself to be patient and commit to a lower price, which means waiting to see if enough people order to get an even deeper discount.  I’m hoping they will, but if not, I’ll just purchase it before the group-buy ends (9-2-13).

If you’ve wanted to include P.E. in your homeschool plans but struggled like me, I’d encourage you to check it out! You can even sign up for a free trial.  I can’t believe I’m actually excited about doing P.E. with my kids!


Long Story Short: The Tabernacle

I was kind of surprised when I realized we were going to spend a whole week on the Tabernacle as we journeyed through the Bible with Long Story Short by Marty Machowski.  However, as we went through the five days of devotions (plus one reading the story in The Gospel Story Bible, also by Machowski) I realized what an important concept it is to understanding the Old Testament.  The Tabernacle was God’s dwelling place among His people, a foreshadowing of Jesus as Immanuel, “God with us.”  Sure, He had interacted with individuals before, and He had shown His power to the people through the plagues in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and His provision for them in the desert, but this was more than that.  This was His actual Presence being with them.  What a powerful thing!  Imagine living in the camp of the Israelites and seeing God’s magnificent tent there in the midst of the thousands of other tents that housed the people, knowing that the almighty Creator of the universe was dwelling there with you.

This week’s devotions probably would have been really hard to get through without the use of visual aids.  If the kids were a little older, I would have been tempted to buy a model of the Tabernacle to put together, but instead I decided to get a Tabernacle felt set for our flannel board.  Unfortunately, one piece was too big for our boards!  So we headed off to the fabric store for some black flannel and made our own big board.  It ended up working out well because we could have two boards out, for both the outer courtyard and the inside of the tabernacle.


The other resource we used, which I highly recommend, is the Rose Guide to the Tabernacle.  It is not a children’s book, but it is a wonderful resource for personal study, and there are many pictures that are helpful explaining this passage of Scripture to children (or anyone!). We used the felt pieces and/or the Rose Guide every night.  It was so beneficial for the boys to have something tangible to hold and look at as we read through long descriptive passages of the tabernacle and the high priest’s garments that might otherwise have been hard-pressed to hold their attention.

I didn’t have the energy to come up with anything elaborate for the boys’ Bible notebook pages, so I printed up dot-to-dot on a page with our Bible verse.  (Note I did not say memory verse.  We’re not that together yet!  I really want to get back to memorizing Scripture with the boys, but I’m considering going a new route, not connected to our Bible stories, and we’re not up and running.)  However, the week flew by without us ever doing the page.  Will we ever get to it?  I’d give it a 50/50 chance.  I’m trying to let things go and just move on.

Long Story Short: The 10 Commandments

We just finished up a great week (plus a few extra days!) on the Ten Commandments.  Even Elijah (3 1/2) worked diligently toward memorizing them, and both boys enjoyed the various activities we did throughout the week in addition to our nightly Bible Time with Long Story Short by Marty Machowski.  We broke out our flannel board set for the first time since our move, and all three kids enjoyed playing with it throughout the week.  I’ve put it on a low table in our schoolroom where they can all reach it, and pretty much every day I caught a glimpse of at least one of them acting out the story with the little felt figures.  (Okay, so Arianna just liked collecting the people and carrying them around, but she’ll get there.)

I really considered buying a 10 Commandments Project Pack from CurrClick, but since I only planned on spending a week on the topic I decided to just stick with activities I could find for free online. has a lot of fun ideas to print (and in our case laminate so I can reuse them with the younger children).  I pretty much stuck with printables from their site so that the wording would be the same on all our activities.  I used the bookmarks as a reading tool.  They print four on a page, so I printed out one set and laminated them.  Every day at lunch time, each of us got one (even Arianna) and we read through them together.  We worked on memorizing two commandments each day.

I also printed out the sequencing cards and number cards for a matching activity.  (There’s a typo on “adultery,” but I just used a black marker to fix it.) The boys really liked using our pocket chart to have the cards all out in front of them.  We just worked on putting them in order and matching the pictures with the written commandments, but they’d also be great for playing a memory matching game.

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The last thing I printed out was the file folder game.  The game board has typos on “misuse” and “adultery”, but it was pretty simple to fix them by opening the image in Paint, cutting and pasting the letters into the correct places, then copying the corrected image into Word.  (I also found a second game  from The Catholic Toolbox, but I’m saving that one for when my kids are a bit older.)  Next time maybe I’ll plan ahead more and use some of the activities from Oriental Trading Company related to the ten commandments.

After several months’ hiatus, we finally added a page to the boys’ Bible notebooks.  I looked for a new idea, but I just couldn’t find anything I liked as much as the one I did with Ian two years ago (see my post “Train Up a Child (10 Commandments pt.2)) so we just did it again.  I forgot Elijah’s not a big fan of finger painting, however, so we barely got this one out of him.  He does really like numbers and putting things in order, so after the first day he enjoyed pasting on the commandments.

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Each day we watched one of the episodes from the Kids’ Ten Commandments DVDs.  (There are five episodes, each covering two commandments, so it worked perfectly with our schedule.)  The boys REALLY liked these videos.  They do a wonderful job illustrating each of the commandments through a story about a young Israelite boy living in the desert.  Highly recommended!

Our “Listening Lesson”

Long Story Short: Moses

I hesitated to even write this post, since we did very little during our study of Moses from birth through the Exodus outside of reading each night from Long Story Short or The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski.  This season reinforced how much I appreciate the depth of these resources.  Machowski points out both the obvious and more subtle connections of the Old Testament stories to Jesus, and he presents them in such a way that even my boys, only 3 and 5, are able to understand and articulate.

The reason I did decided to go ahead and do a short post about the several weeks we spent on this section of Exodus is that I want to keep a record of the resources I’ve come across.  Because we were caught up in the chaos of packing, moving, and settling in, we pretty much just stuck with picture books and videos to supplement our Bible Time reading every night.  So here are my lists, plain and simple:

Picture Books


We finally got back to our “Listening Lesson” during Week 33 “God Provides Food and Water for Israel.”  Here’s what was on our playlist:

Follow the Drinking Gourd

We stumbled into our latest Five in a Row book completely by accident.  I really wasn’t planning to do any formal schoolwork for a while, but as I started to get boxes unpacked, Ian was drawn to the series of ValueTales books from my childhood library.  He picked out The Value of Helping about Harriet Tubman one night to read with Daddy before bed, so the next day as I was searching for some sort of educational video to put on while I continued tackling boxes, I decided to put on the Reading Rainbow episode on the book Follow the Drinking Gourd by Jeanette Winter.  I figured it was a good time to discuss the concept of slavery and the Underground Railroad since the book on Harriet Tubman had already introduced the idea.  (It also just happened to fit in with our Bible lessons on the Israelites being freed from slavery in Egypt.)

We did several of the lessons from the Five in a Row manual (Vol. 2).  The ones the really stood out were searching for compound words (which took Ian longer than I expected to catch on to, but was really helpful because we started finding them all over the place after that) and learning the song.  Ian enjoyed listening to me sing it as I played it on the piano (so glad the music was in the back of the book!), but I also found a great video of the song on YouTube which shows the lyrics while playing the music.

We talked about gourds and how they can be used to hold liquids.  I have a calabash, or “bottle gourd” that some Maasai friends gave me when I lived in Kenya, and Ian enjoyed having something he could hold and look at, even if it’s shaped a little differently than the drinking gourd referred to in the song (which I would imagine looks more like the picture on the right).


I found a number of other videos that went along well with this study.  The first was Harriet Tubman from the Animated Hero Classics series (also available on YouTube).  The other was video Follow the Drinking Gourd starring Morgan Freeman, which is available streaming free for Amazon Prime members (anyone can do a 7-day rental for $2.99).  It tells the story of a family escaping via the Underground Railroad.  (For older students, check out Whispers of Angels: A Story of the Underground Railroad, also available streaming free for Amazon Prime members. It’s about an hour long, and it’s a documentary rather than a story, but I really enjoyed it.   Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad is another option.  It was a little “dry” for Ian, but short and very informative.)

So it was a pretty simple “row,” but Ian learned a lot, and it felt good to get back into Five in a Row!

To see what other FIAR books we’ve rowed, see my “Index of FIAR Posts.”  Also, a great place to see what other people have done with FIAR books is the FIAR Blog Roll at Delightful Learning.

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