Handprint/Footprint Nativity Scene Tree Skirt

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
We don’t play the Santa game at our house, but once we had children I wanted to try to create a similar sense of excitement as we looked forward to the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth. The great mystery of His arrival is so far beyond any childish dreams about a jolly fat man bringing presents.
We’ve developed many Advent traditions to help make this season a time of wonder and delightful anticipation for our family, and this year as I was decorating our home, I decided to add one more (borrowing from my nominally Catholic roots). We have Nativity scenes scattered throughout the house, and I set them all up without Baby Jesus (except for a few where that was impossible). Right away my kids started asking, “Where’s Jesus?” To which I replied, “He’s not here yet. We have to wait for Christmas!”
At the start of the week I sat down with Ian and showed him my lesson plan book for December. We looked at what needed to be done (basically two weeks worth of lessons in his Veritas Press Self-Paced History Course, and five math lessons with lots of additional facts practice). I told him once those things were completed, I wouldn’t ask him to do any more official schoolwork until after Christmas.
To be honest, I wanted him to dive in and get through it all this week. He didn’t. And so I just bit my tongue, took a deep breath, and let him go at his own pace. We took a day off for Arianna’s birthday and he still managed to get in a solid week’s worth of work, so I can’t complain. In addition to his history and math work on the computer, he’s reading through Robin Hood (A Stepping Stone Book)
, the assigned literature for his history course. Ian loves being read to, but he’s usually reluctant to read on his own, so I was surprised at how enthusiastically he picked up the book each day. He even asked if we could get some of the other Stepping Stone books, intrigued by the titles like Man in the Iron Mask and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I told him I’d rather he wait a couple years and just read the “real” books, but I’d help him look at the library for the Stepping Stone versions.
As far as Elijah goes, I didn’t demand much from him this week. Instead of doing regular lessons, I set him to work systematically going through his Architecto Game
and the Equilibrio
book that uses the same blocks. I like giving him something to do besides flying through grade levels on CTCMath.com, and since he’s fascinated by building things, I figure his time is well spent developing his spatial visualization skills. After Christmas I’ll have him go back to lessons too, but for these light weeks I think this is a great Kindergarten activity.
One of my goals over the next few weeks is to read with my children as much as possible , and we got off to a great start. They spent a lot of time pawing through our collection of Christmas books, sometimes just flipping through them quietly on their own, and sometimes bringing them to me to read. Here are the ones we read this week(for my most complete list of Christmas picture books, see my post Christmas Book Countdown):
I also had the pleasure of introducing the boys to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson, one of my childhood favorites. From the first page, Ian was hooked, and within a few chapters we had drawn Elijah in as well. They kept begging for more and we ended reading the book in one sitting (well, with a few interruptions from the little ones). It was such a hit I went searching for the movie, which I’d never seen.
So all in all we had a delightful week of snuggling up with books and enjoying lots of family time in the glow of the Christmas tree with the iPod serenading us with Christmas carols pretty much all day every day. Bliss!
This year, however, I feel a call to slow down, to purposefully step back from the busyness of the season and soak it all in. I want to keep school work to a minimum, just keeping up with Ian’s online history course, playing math games, and reading with all the children a lot. Rather than wrapping up books for each day, I’ve just left them all out for the kids to peruse. Ian’s already started bringing me old favorites, and I hope we’ll all find lots of time for reading together.
Reading is actually my only real plan. Last year we really enjoyed Jotham’s Journey by Arnold Ytreeide, a story broken into daily readings to be enjoyed through the weeks of Advent. We loved gathering as a family every evening by the glow of the candles on our Advent wreath and the lights on our Christmas tree to hear about Jotham’s latest adventure. It was such a hit that this year we’re reading the next book in the series, Bartholomew’s Passage. I had planned to also go through Unwrapping the Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp, but it might just be too much to try to do both, so I may save it for another year.
I’m hoping to have all our gifts purchased by the end of this week so I can just rest, reflect, and ready myself for the celebration of Christ’s glorious arrival. I’m sure things will come up, but with God’s help we’ll slow down enough to really enjoy the beauty of Advent.
I was delightfully surprised by this winsome book. We have a new baby in the house, and with four other children who find it difficult to contain their youthful exuberance, I can relate all too well to the story of trying to quiet down the excited crowd so the little one can get some sleep. In Goodnight, Manger, Laura Sassi uses simple rhymes to tell about the wiggly baby Jesus trying to go to sleep amidst a noisy audience of animals, angels, shepherds, and kings. Mary finally convinces everyone to join in a quiet lullaby and at last the baby drifts off.
Award winning artist Jane Chapman’s beautiful illustrations enhance the already charming story. Each picture catches the eye its warm, vibrant colors. The Holy Family is refreshingly portrayed with authentic ethnic coloring. And the characters exude a joy that pulls the reader into the jubilant stable and makes them want to join the festivities.
If you’re looking for a serious, straight forward telling of the story of Jesus’ birth, this is not the book for you. However, if you’re looking for a sweet bedtime story to share with your children, this book is sure to delight your entire family, not just at Christmas, but all year long!
Advent has been a wonderful time of celebration, and I think we’re all ready for its culmination. While I’m looking forward to lots of family time, I’m especially eager for our candlelight service at church tomorrow night. Our children have learned several carols during the last few weeks, and I hope we will all enjoy coming together with our church family to celebrate together.
O God, our loving Father, help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the songs of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds with Grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. —Robert Louis Stevenson
Tonight we got home late again after a long day, so we just let Arianna light all four candles on our Advent wreath while we read Song of the Stars by Sally Lloyd-Jones and introduced the kids to “O Come, All ye Faithful.”
The Christmas Star by Marcus Pfister (for Arianna)
The Animals’ Christmas Carol illustrated by Helen Ward (for Elijah)
For the Jesse Tree LEGO Challenge we read Micah’s prophecy about Bethlehem, and then the boys built stables. Elijah had trouble settling on his design (I saw a few different versions), and by the time we’d finished reading Jotham’s Journey, he was back to only having a frame. Oh well. It’s the process, not the product, right?
I’ve started hearing protests every time I say we’re going to sing something other than “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” so tonight I decided just to go with it. They’re going to know this song really well, and if they just learn multiple verses of one traditional carol every year, they’ll still know a great deal by the time they’re grown.
The Animals’ Christmas Carol illustrated by Helen Ward (for Elijah-except he never opened it, so he’ll be getting it tomorrow instead)
We got home a little late but decided to to Bible time anyway. For the Jesse Tree LEGO Challenge we talked about the story of Daniel, and then Ian made a den for the lions. (Elijah got such a slow start, we’d finished reading in Jotham’s Journey by the time he was ready.)
I’ve been thinking a lot about heaven lately, longing for that time when wolves and lambs will lie down together (as we talked about a couple nights ago), when there will be no more tears or sorrow. What a beautiful prayer we sang tonight: fill the world with heaven’s peace. Amen.