Wrapping Up Week 32 (2014-15)

For the last few weeks I’ve talked about how we’re itching to be done, so I’m really excited about the change we’re making. We’re getting a chance to review Knights and Nobles, a 4-week unit study from Homeschool Legacy. Since it integrates all our subjects into a study of one of Ian’s favorite topics, this unit study seemed like the perfect opportunity to end our school year on a positive note. Plus it will be a fun preview of the medieval part of our history lessons for next year. As I’m looking over some of the books used in the unit study, I’m finding many I had already bought to go along with Year 2 of our history cycle, (which have been getting the boys excited as they arrived in the mail over the last few weeks), and a trip to the library added to the wealth of great books we’ll get to go through over the next few weeks.

Bible/Circle Time
We started Little Pilgrim’s Progress way back in January when we started up after Christmas, and this week we finally got to the satisfying ending. Ian and I both really enjoyed this book, and I know we’ll come back to it with our family as the little ones grow.
We spent a little bit of time each day talking about Holy Week. Every year our children look forward to going through the Resurrection Eggs over and over. The older boys enjoy opening the eggs as we read through Benjamin’s Box. Arianna gets more out of watching Miss Patty Cake’s Egg-stravaganza and reading the book that goes along with it (The Story of the Resurrection Eggs in Rhyme and Song). I find the DVD a bit cheesy, but it’s full of songs and Resurrection Eggs and all my kids enjoy it, from Ian (7) down to Nicholas (1), so we watch it several times each year.

I left a basket out all week with all our Easter books and videos. Here’s what the kids pulled out:
- Legend of the Easter Egg by Lori Walburg
- The Donkey Who Carried a King by R.C. Sproul
- The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story by Jan and Mike Berenstain
- Easter in America from Learn Our History (DVD that explains the history of various traditions)
- The Animated Passion Trilogy from Nest Entertainment
Ian got really motivated this week on Mathletics, completing over 1500 points instead of the 1000 I require of him each week. He enjoyed the sense of completion as he saw that he could finish up whole groups of lessons. I’m not going to require him to finish all the 1st grade lessons since he’s done plenty on other programs this year, but it looks like he might get close to finishing everything. (Even after we end our school year, I’ll still have him doing some math through our summer break just so he doesn’t get out of the habit.)
He had a rough week on xtramath.org as he worked through harder subtraction facts, but by Friday he had improved his scores , so I hope he’s not too frustrated.
We didn’t quite finish all the reading for Ambleside Online, Year 1, but we did get through most of the literature scheduled, and I’ve decided to just skip the last couple stories from The Blue Fairy book and Parables from Nature. I’m hoping to get through Twelfth Night in Tales, but other than that I’m considering our year completed. (Woohoo!)
Similarly, I’ve decided to call it a day with The World of Plants. We managed to get through lessons 26-30, and I don’t see any need to finish the last couple lessons with a first grader. My main goal with using the God’s Design for Science series has been to provide exposure to a wide range of scientific topics. I think we’ve accomplished that this year with the three books in God’s Design for Life. I don’t think plants are ever going to be a favorite topic for Ian or myself, but I’m glad we persevered this term and got through most of the book. (I think we covered more than I ever did in any elementary science book when I was in school!)
Moving On…
So now, onto four weeks of Knights and Nobles to finish out our year!
Upcoming Reviews
We’re currently getting familiar with several products. Watch for reviews soon!
- [Edited to remove link as this online curriculum is no longer available] LaLaLogic preschool curriculum
- The Berenstain Bears: God Bless Our Country by Mike Berenstain
- Knights and Nobles from Homeschool Legacy