Long Story Short: God Provides a Wife for Isaac
This week we read the story of Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24. It’s a beautiful story of God moving to work out all the details in response to prayer. Abraham gave his servant a challenging assignment in sending him far away to find a girl willing to come back to Canaan, but the servant went to God asking for His help in finding a wife for Isaac, and “before he had finished speaking” (verse 15), along came Rebekah, who quickly fulfilled the sign for which the servant had asked. Throw in the fact the she is “very attractive” (verse 16), and that Isaac loves her pretty much immediately, and you’ve got a romantic story worthy of a chick flick.
Extra Activities
In addition to our nightly devotions, we found a lot of extended learning opportunities:
Abraham’s servant took ten camels along with him on his journey (verse 10). Elijah enjoyed singing about them to the tune of “10 Little Indians.” We enjoyed learning about camels from a 99-cent Kindle Book 14 Fun Facts About Camels as well as from a lapbook at HomeSchoolShare . (We didn’t do the lapbook, just enjoyed some of the information in it.)
The whole concept of a well is pretty foreign to these modern American boys. I found this Thirstin’s Water Cycle Adventure page from the EPA site really helpful for explaining what a well is and talking about the water cycle. (I also liked this water cycle website.)
We discussed marriage in our culture versus arranged marriages. I don’t remember how it came up, but I had a great opportunity to talk about how love is a choice we make about how to treat the other person, regardless of our feelings. We also talked about how Abraham sent the servant far away to find the right girl because the women in Canaan worshipped other gods, and importance of marrying someone who knows God. Marriage may seem like an odd topic to talk about with preschool boys, but I want to plant seeds so they will be able to make wise choices, and this Bible story provided a logical connection. I really like the book The Person I Marry by Gary Bower. One day at lunchtime I read it to the boys and we talked about some of the pages.
Bible Notebook
Our Bible notebook page wasn’t necessarily about Isaac and Rebekah, but focused on how Isaac (and his family) trusted in God to provide the right wife. For our Bible verse, I used Proverbs 3:5-6 (“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”) I found a free clipart image of a childlike bride and groom and put white circles over the faces. Then I printed out pictures of the boys faces and question marks for them to paste on the circles.
Our “Listening Lesson”
Here’s what was playing on our iPod as we drove around town:
- “Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart (Proverbs 3:5-6)” from Scripture Rock (Vol. 1)
- “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” (our “hymn of the month”)
- “Gen 24 A Wife for Isaac” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
- “Trust in the Lord” from Sing the Word from A to Z by the Harrow Family
- “SONG I WONDER” from the ESV Audio Drama Children’s Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing
- “Trust in the Lord” from Hide ’em in Your Heart Vol. 1 by Steve Green